Just What We Need!?! A Pissing Contest Between Al Qaeda and ISIS


🤖 Think outside the mind
The attacks in France were obviously an act of terror. However, in the aftermath, it is inevitable for everyone to start wondering if these were just some lone wolves with a score to settle, or if they were offshoots of a major terrorist organization.

With most crimes in the world, no one wants to step up and take the blame. With terror, though, there are major rewards to getting credit for an attack such as this. It increases their visibility and fame, and possibly helps recruit new people out there that want to join up with fellow whackjobs. Our old friends Al Qaeda have had a rough couple of years watching ISIS rise to power and get all the press. So, it was no surprise that Al Qaeda and ISIS are both trying to take credit for the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Yes, that’s right. What we have are two major terrorist organizations having a pissing contest to prove which one is the greatest.

On the surface, that might seem like a good thing. Two enemies of America and the rest of the free world at odds with one another. It’s not at all. This is not two enemies fighting each other. They aren’t trying to kill each other, and in fact, they even share most of the same ideology. The contest is to prove who is the bigger, badder terrorist, and that’s real unfortunate for us infidels, because the only result can be be bigger, badder attacks to take credit for.

The Paris attacks brought up another situation that always rears its ugly head during times like these. Many people defend the Islamic faith, pointing out that it is by and large a peaceful religion, and most Muslims are not supporters of these kinds of anomalies. Well, that is absolutely true, but it is still time for them to realize that they have to do more to separate themselves from the extremists in their ranks. Think of Christianity. The Westboro Baptist Church is as extreme as Christianity has gotten thus far, yet no one really condemns Christians as a whole for the actions of Westboro. You know why? Because Christians publicly condemn Westboro’s actions even though they are technically part of the same whole. Muslims need to do more to do the same going forward if they want to change that image. If they don’t, then they may still be in the right, but they must understand the stigma that goes along with the violence that a select few of them continue to execute (no pun intended) on the rest of us.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
We need a sort of international conter-terrorism organization like the fictional Rainbow Six at the orders of U.N. but a small and elite and efficent organisation...but the goverments of the maor powers are corrupt and the U.N. is only a salary factory.
