Keep an Eye on India


Junior Member
Keep an Eye on India

A while back I suggested that Manmohan Singh (the blue turban wearing Prime Minister of India) might be the "Third Anti-Christ" mentioned by Nostradamus. I just found a site that includes a complete "time line" on a future nuclear war between India and Islam. Click on the link below and scroll down to "Nostradamus on India"--

I admit that the the author of the above site translates the quatrains in a slightly "biased" fashion-- so you can check a less biased version (link below) as a cross-reference--

Read them carefully and it still looks pretty convincing that Nostradamus was talking about India waging total war on Islam, nukin' Mecca and charging into Iran by way of Pakistan in the near future.

Oh, and don't forget that the U.S.A. is supposed to support India in all this. This seemed pretty far-fetched, until today, now that Singh and GW are friends again and trading nuclear technology.

So tune in and check out Singh's speech to the U.S. Congress on Wednesday, July 19th at 10am EDT.

If this guy Singh turns out the be the anti-Christ I want a prize!
