

where the wild things are
In the past few years there has been an increase of content regarding alien life, mostly based around the rovers exploring Mars, all these articles as of late, showing supposedly faces, creatures, even this recent one, showing a light exploring the surface:

Ball Of Light On Mars: NASA Photos Evidence Of Alien Technology?

Granted a lot of these can be dismissed by our eyes playing tricks on us, but isn't it unusual to see this much focus on this subject? I've been involved in Astronomy a long time and there are alien stories that come and go, but it just seems like there has been a lot of focus on this particular subject.

Is the government trying to tell us something? Did they find something, and are slowly allowing us to come to terms with life elsewhere on this planet?

What about that Rosetta comet mission? I read up on it, 20 years ago NASA found a radio signal coming from that comet:

Mystery signal from Rosetta comet confirmed by European Space Agency - Honolulu exopolitics |

It was confirmed by the European Space Agency. This happened twenty years ago, and this lander has spent the last ten years traveling to this comet and successfully landed on the comet, and from what I understand, in the vicinity of where the signal is coming from.

A few months ago, a picture was released, showing what appeared to be an installation on the surface of the comet, which supposedly is producing the signal:

ESA Rosetta Spacecraft Photographed UFO and Towers On Comet 67P Surface - UFO Sightings, UFO News, Top Secret, Aliens, New Movies, Aliens

Of course this all could be just a bunch of crap, the media over hyping rocks, that look like something, when they are actually nothing but rocks. But something I do find interesting is, how sites like Yahoo and MSNBC which are in my opinion government ran media/news, are reporting these things. Why would the government, who has adamantly denied the existence of alien life, ufos, suddenly start... talking about it?


That Rosetta signal picture isn't a rock. I don't believe EVERYTHING false. That ball of light was pretty interesting, too. It was rendered --- fading out -- it wasn't a square pixel at all. I believe it studying each case, not just dismissing it all as crap without evidence, you know? And perhaps the government isn't talking about it. Maybe the employees are leaking the information.


Senior Member
Well if i recall correctly i had heard that we have lost a lot of satellites and probes when trying to visit mars, like 3 out of 10 actually make it, and i was told that this was because there is Life on Mars and things that the ET's do not want us to see on the planet so they have been allowing us to see and land where we have.

I can't quote any sources on that as i recall it from memory, and then there is also the popular Family living on Mars.

But that asteroid one with the sound coming from it is quit awesome!
