Re: Light
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Harte\")</div>
The problem here is that light is easily slowed, even without the Einstein-Bose condensate. Light slows considerably when passing through water, even more when it passes through glass.
A photon at rest has no mass. Therefore light is not something that's almost just about to turn into matter. Matter and energy are the same thing anyway. There's no point where energy turns into matter or vice versa. If you look close enough, it's all energy.
It would be a great relief to physicists if the wave-particle duality could be soved this easily.
True, Having deja vu on this one

think we have covered it before.
Not my quote but, in my opinion, black holes bend space, entities that travel through the medium of space, as we know it, follow it and are not aware of any curvature. Light 'thinks' it is travelling in a straight line, only the black hole and intelligent observers know better
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Harte\")</div>
Here you should say \"the speed that all electromagnetic energies protrude...\" ?All energies do not propagate at lightspeed.[/b]
Which ones do you think do not ? With gravity the book is still out on this one. This goes back to a speed of gravity thread. Is this an inherent limit in space. Does gravity propogate at the speed of space ? (or the speed the 'ripples', if you like, in space spread out - very bad analogy)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"systemoftheuniverse\")</div>
light has weight, that's why it gets stuck in black holes. Yet light doesn't slow down leaving the suns gravitational pull? Science isn't adding up.
The sun doesn't have a strong enough gravity to pull the light back in. I suspect it doesn't even slow it as we would think in the traditional sense of matter flying out of the sun...
Though has light been measured within the gravity well of the sun, we may see some acceleration as it escapes it, this would still only be relative to an observer outside and in a different portion of space under different 'stresses'. As far as the light is concerned it is travelling at the speed of light... ?
It does bend, or lense, light passing the sun though, this has been shown to happen. Again, I believe it is space bending due to the suns' gravity, light is simply following the path of space.....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Harte\")</div>
The idea of light getting trapped in a black hole yet being massless has always seemed to be an apparent contradiction to me also. The only explanation I have seen for this is the idea of relativistic mass, where the mass involved is attributed to the energy of the photon. Yet when I look for the most recent thinking on this, the only discussions that I find about relativistic mass all say that there is not really such a thing. Confusing.[/b]
I think we're barely scratching around on the surface of physice like chickens searching for food in the soil, we have made large strides, but only relative to what we already think we know. Too many theories that are accepted as 'the norm' throw up far too many more questions and contradictions, we should still keep our minds fully open if we want to find the truth, that is no doubt still out there...
Modern 'scientists' are too blinkered by peer pressure and the need to look 'credible' by ignoring anything not already in a text book. I guess that is their job, just don't expect them to come up with anything radicle and new, that's the job of people like us.
Einstein was a bookeeper by trade !