Lucifuge Rofocale: The Complete Demon Profile

In the diverse tapestry of demonology and the occult, one figure stands apart, shrouded in a veil of mystery and dark allure – Lucifuge Rofocale.

Lucifuge Rofocale is a pivotal figure in the occult world, associated with wealth, earthly pleasures, and forbidden knowledge. As such, he is often summoned for obtaining these fine things.

Lucifuge is also considered by some to be the darker aspect of Lucifer as his interests are tied to earthly rather than celestial affairs. Lucifuge accepts his demonic form wholeheartedly, revels in its power and pleasure and invites the magician to do the same.

The Name and Origin​

The name Lucifuge Rofocale has two parts. ‘Lucifuge’ means ‘one who flees from light,’ while ‘Rofocale’ is derived from ‘Focalor,’ another demon mentioned in authoritative grimoires. Combined, his name has been interpreted as ‘he who flees from the light of God.’

Lucifuge Rofocale’s origins are traced back to a grimoire named ‘Le Dragon Rouge,’ (see on Amazon) or ‘The Red Dragon,’ (link to Amazon) published in the 19th century. However, his influence and stories have spread over centuries, expanding the depth and breadth of his mythos.

Role and Attributes​

Lucifuge Rofocale is often depicted as the Prime Minister to the infernal monarchy, serving directly under Lucifer. He manages the government of the demonic realm, exercising power over its wealth and treasures. In some interpretations, he is considered the antithesis of the Archangel Raphael, a figure of healing and light.

He is known for his dominion over worldly goods, granting riches and material abundance to those who summon him correctly. However, these gifts come with a price, often requiring a pact signed in the magician’s blood, symbolizing the spiritual bond formed between the summoner and the demon.

The Grand Grimoire​

As I mentioned already, Lucifuge Rofocale plays a crucial role in the ‘Red Dragon‘, an influential text in the realm of demonology. This notorious book, also often called ‘The Gospel of Satan,’ outlines the specific rituals for summoning him and making pacts.

The grimoire details a complex rite involving precise timing, magical circles, and incantations to safely summon and control Lucifuge Rofocale. It advises the practitioner to stand firm, even when faced with the demon’s wrath, as he is known to test the magician’s will.

However, I must say that the ritual is quite complex and requires extensive preparations. Procuring some of the ritual items and preparing the ritual space could also be difficult for your typical modern city-dweller.

Lucifuge Rofocale and the Qliphoth​

The figure of Lucifuge Rofocale takes on a more nuanced and complex form in the context of modern Left-Hand Path traditions, where he is associated with the Qliphoth, the dark and shadowy counterparts of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life, in the Jewish Kabbalistic tradition, represents a map of creation. Its mirror image, the Qliphoth, symbolizes the unbalanced and destructive forces in the universe. These ‘shells’ or ‘husks’ often depict the chaotic aspects of reality that challenge and test spiritual seekers.

The Ruler of Satariel​

In this context, Lucifuge Rofocale is believed to preside over Satariel, one of the ten spheres (or Qliphoth) that represent the antithesis of the Sephirot of the Tree of Life. This association originates from a claimed translation of an ancient Hebrew manuscript by the renowned occultist Eliphas Levi and has gained acceptance in various occult circles.

Satariel, also known as the Concealers, represents the illusion and concealment, a realm that shrouds the divine truth. As its ruler, Lucifuge governs these forces of misdirection and illusion. This reinforces his image as a figure associated with the darker, more elusive aspects of existence.

Modern Occult Orders and Lucifuge Rofocale​

In contemporary occult orders, such as Dragon Rouge, the Order of Phosphorus, and the Temple of the Black Light, Lucifuge Rofocale’s rulership of Satariel is central.

They acknowledge him as one of the eleven rulers of the Qliphoth. This is because the final Qliphoth, Thaumiel, which represents the dual contending forces, is split into two entities, thus bringing the total to eleven. This dual aspect resonates with the duality often associated with Lucifuge – the pursuit of knowledge and power and the inherent dangers in these pursuits.

These modern orders view working with entities like Lucifuge as a means of acknowledging and integrating the darker aspects of existence. It’s a transformative process where practitioners face and conquer their inner demons, symbolized by the Qliphothic entities, to achieve self-mastery and spiritual growth.

A Deeper Understanding of Lucifuge Rofocale​

These contemporary interpretations add layers to the understanding of Lucifuge Rofocale. They present him as a symbol of our struggle against illusions, our pursuit of knowledge, and the ethical dilemmas inherent in the pursuit of power and material wealth.

Whether as a literal entity or a symbolic embodiment of these universal struggles, Lucifuge Rofocale remains a figure of profound interest in the world of occultism. His association with the Qliphoth offers seekers a path that, while shadowed and fraught with challenges, promises profound insights and spiritual transformation.

The Manifestation of Lucifuge Rofocale​


First of all, it’s important to remember that demons can appear in many diverse ways. However, it is also true that their attributes and powers will be reflected in their appearance and that they have one stable form that they show more often.

Lucifuge Rofocale, despite his power and stature, boasts a slimmer build compared to other Dark Lords. Yet his tall, toned form exudes an aura of strength and command. Adding to his dark elegance, he often dons black robes adorned with underworld symbols, indicative of his rank and power.

The vivid imagery of his appearance is further accentuated by his black horns, tinged with green highlights, a symbol of his connection to both the earthly realm and the underworld. His black wings and tail embody his dominion over the darker, more elusive aspects of existence. His razor-sharp claws and staff are symbols of his power and authority.

Offerings (Sensory Correspondences)​

When engaging with Lucifuge Rofocale, it is customary to present offerings that resonate with his essence and preferences. The ritual often begins with adorning his altar with black roses, the color symbolic of his dark allure and the underworld’s enigmatic depth.

Candles and incense in his preferred hues and scents are commonly used, amplifying the energy of the ritual. Preferred incense and scents include the divine Copal, intoxicating Musk, fragrant Roses, spicy Cinnamon, exotic Agarwood, earthy Patchouli, and spiritual Frankincense. Each element contributes to creating a space that is conducive to invoking Lucifuge Rofocale’s presence.

Music plays a crucial role in these rituals, with dark ambient melodies and melancholic tunes setting the tone for the ceremony. It is believed that music bridges the gap between realms, enabling a deeper connection with the entities of the underworld.

A unique practice when engaging with Lucifuge Rofocale involves offering a special blend of Pu Erh, Lapsang Souchong, Orange, Rose Hips, and Hibiscus tea. Tea symbolizes hospitality and respect, a warm welcome to this Dark Lord.

Graveyard dirt, skulls, bones, and statues depicting wealth and abundance are considered suitable offerings. Occasionally, jewels and gold coins are presented, symbolizing the wealth he governs.

Lucifuge Rofocale is also particularly drawn to colors like Blue, Purple, Green, Silver, Black, and Grey. There are also crystals that resonate with his energy which include Smokey Quartz, Black Quartz, Tigers Eye, Tigers Iron, Lepidocrocite, Obsidian, Kunzite, Kyanite, Aegirine, Ammolite, and Ancestralite. These crystals, known for their protective and grounding properties, align well with Lucifuge Rofocale’s domain over earthly treasures and the underworld.

When performing a ritual such items can be included. Their placement can be interpreted as a respectful offering in case it is a devotional ritual. Alternatively, they can be seen as tools that have a particular energy that corresponds with the demon’s powers and attributes and so make it easier to connect with him. I am saying this because presenting offerings to a spiritual being can be misinterpreted as blind worship, which is not something that ceremonial magicians engage in.

In conclusion, engaging with Lucifuge Rofocale is a profound, multi-sensory experience. It involves understanding and aligning with his essence, expressed through his preferred offerings and colors. Each element, from the incense to the music, aims to create an atmosphere conducive to his presence, paving the way for a deep, transformative encounter with this intriguing Dark Lord.

The post Lucifuge Rofocale: The Complete Demon Profile appeared first on Occultist.

Source: Occultist | Lucifuge Rofocale: The Complete Demon Profile

Snake Plissken

I believe..
They will always appear as beautiful, colourful, engaging, intelligent characters full of charisma and utterly appealing. They believe themselves separate from the whole, they demonstrate this by being completely individual in looks and beautiful and beguiling.. but a shadow can only stretch so far in the light..
After millenniums they all revert to the light in the end because we are all one, all individual aspects of the one universal creator. There is no separation, that is just illusion.


Some are hidden in plain sight.

The Christians call them The Fallen whom joined with Lucifer when he went up against God
and were thrown from Heaven and unto the Earth.

When I was just a boy, I had 'An imaginary friend' whom turned rotten over time.
It would re-appear much later in life to the room mates I rented rooms out to at my home.
This exonerated me and sent my life on a course of changes and higher learning.

One of my best friends didn't fair so well after witnessing an event @ my property back in 2004.
she had a total breakdown from which she never fully recovered.

These 'Things' shouldn't be meddled with, imho.

But...It's just my opinion.
