Debate Magic


New Member
Have you ever actually experienced anything magical though this direct stuff? (in general not just books you listed)


Junior Member
damn i wish my old pc didnt die on me, i had most of those listed books in english translations a few years back along with others in pdf format ;(... alot called for assistance which i never had the ability to get, as a young boy was needed (altar boy) various silver plates and dishes and other things. good reading lots of mystical symbols of power to be used but never got around to trying anything out. i will say this though most of what i read gave the power of magic to man from god, not the devil... the power to call fourth demons or daemons djinn etc to do your bidding was derived from god and your guardian angel to control the fallen 1s. only the religion and worthy would be able to unlock the power of these books, and alot of the starting points for these magics required solitude and fasting, kinda like what jesus did for 40 days in the desert. you can find alot of these books online but for the most part i would say they were fakes and without full indepth details and shoddy translations to be affective which is a pity. i will at some point look up the sites i used many years ago if they still exist and try to post them here at some other time
Gotta say it's interesting but being there are various types of "magic', from various "ancient cultures"/"civilizations" that had a "magical tradition"seperate from their "religious aspects" of their civilization and others that had magic interwoven with their formal religious aspects. The material is out there, just get frienddly with your local librarian.:)


New Member
Magic was most likely a mortal interpretation of the power that "Creator God's" displayed. And those God's were most likely extraterrestrial in origin (or partially extraterrestrial) or remnants of a culture on Earth destroyed by some catastrophic disaster. That in itself could either stem from advanced technology, telekinesis or both.( It's interesting to note that we found the tomb of Gilgamesh in 2003- He was half man half God!! Much of the Old and New testament were based off of Sumerian stories from this time.). Early forms of magic were most likely the last remnants of ancient knowledge before they were lost to time or hidden away in bloodlines. Some consider this alchemy. More modern forms of religion and "magic" don't jive together and if you were found participating in such things you were either killed or banished like the Templars... The thing about that is it boils down to communication with apparent beings in other dimensions or the astral plane (from whatever Aliester Crowley could tell us about that-LAM). Asia also had their own versions of magic, but a lot of that was more so people pushing their minds and bodies into tune with nature and themselves. Tonal vibrations were known to lift boulders, and even today some healing arts are proven to cause heat to register on a part of the body- this has been measured by electronic apparatus. What some considered "magic" in India closer resembles some lost form of technology. Whats interesting about that is Alexander the great turned away from India when faced by a fleet of flying discs!!!! Recent evidence also suggests the Nazis and Thule society (a group of people convinced they were in contact with alien beings) went to India to gain knowledge of flying Vimanas. Today you can find pictures and blueprints of many far out Nazi flying machines. We know that The Russians and the U.S. split that booty. There is also a point in history where people are hanged or killed for Witchcraft, but these cases are usually attributed to a spore in wheat that when consumed caused people to trip- everyone went on acid trips and had to blame their neighbors for it. BLARG!
Just a comment, the Knights Templars Order, of which I am one, as a part of Free Masonary, weren't banished, per se, the ones not arrested and executed in France, thanks to the King of France needing their monies, and a weak willed pope to disband, note the word disband, the Order, got as far from France as possible. Some joined knightly orders in Germany, Spain, England, and Scotland. TheTemplar fleet simply vanished with wealth beyond imagination, again, supposedly. So much for the Templars. So what is cited is interesting but doesn't address "magic", either in ancient Egypt or as paracticed in voodoo rituals. Find every culture or civvilization, advanced or cave dwelling, and each will have some form of religion and with each form of religion, odds are, one will finnd some form of 'magic", define it aanyway one wants to, in its shadow, for those willing to risk a lot for more immediate fame and fortune.
Have you ever actually experienced anything magical though this direct stuff? (in general not just books you listed)

Oh you mean like necromancy, nope haven't raised the dead, yet but that's an interesting notion. I have used it in playing gaambling devices , like 21 or Black Jack, 5 Card Stud, Roulet, anything from races to footbal games but these were just knowledge of the outccome of an event. I intend to place some bets over here about that election in November, andd no, I'm not saying who is going to win, There is a 50/50 chance anyway. I don't "mess" with it. If there is something that needs to be addressed, a wrong for instance maybe but summoning "things" from other times/places/spaces is not done for sport, to impress ones dinner guess, or to do in your neighbor'd dog who is always urinating on your tires. It is serious aand less than those well versed in the many forms of it, shoulld deal with their fantasies by just reading about it through legends and lore.


New Member
Wait the Templars aren't dead? Confusion has now bubbled up into my mind. Also, so you have directly experienced magic before. To those who ocmmented on the religious backround I like what your saying and it partially makes sence so thank you for being evolved in this discussion. :)


Junior Member
I don't think the Templars are dead per se. Maybe the organization that once was isn't any more, but in history there were many organizations either disbanded or hunted down to form or merge with another organization. In other words adapted to the circumstances they were in to continue practicing whatever they were involved in.
Of course we still practice, the adepts of Freemasonary carry on the Order, still call ourselves Templars but are much more community orientated, along with the rest of Free Masonary, which sadly, the early Templars seemed to be orientated towardd power, riches, aand fame, regardless having been recognized by a pope or two along the way.


New Member
What do all of you think of using mage craft to change your physical appearance? I began my research like I said I would and found a lot of things like spells and people claiming they were able or are able to change things like hair and eye color and in some cases weight ratios
