

Junior Member
What is "Magick"? At first I thought someone was just spelling "magic" incorrectly, but now I've seen it spelled with a "k" over and over again.. so what is it?
The term "Magick" was coined by Aleister Crowley so as not to confuse the Occult with the Magic entertainment shows.

Shouldn't this be in "Mysticism and the Occult", not "Time Travel Discussion"?

Shouldn't this be in "Mysticism and the Occult", not "Time Travel Discussion"?

Didn't realize there was a section like that, but yea I suppose. On the other hand, some people have said that "magick" can be used for time travel, so it's not completely off topic.
Why anyone would follow Aleister Crowley is beyond me. For some reason, I was curious about the occult since elementary school. (I didn't know at the time that my family was neck deep in the black arts) I found out about Crowley in my sophomore year of high school and begged my mom to for that piece of crap book. It made absolutely no sense whatsover. The powers that be seem to think that he's a God or something.
Much of Crowleys work needs a foundation of occult knowledge before the metaphors start to make sense. Another problem is having to wade up to your eyeballs through the sewage pedaled by con artists, and frauds to find the goods which was often obscured and disguised in metaphors to protect the authors from persecution (chrisitan Europe until the 1900's) and later Crowley just did it for style. He also uses various languages words for things and if you don't know those words it can be confusing as hell. Thelema is a study unto it's self that's for sure.
Coming from little metaphysical background and trying to latch onto Crowley's work is like leaping up a staircase. It isn't that it is necessarily hard to understand (hint: it's only a paradox because it doesn't make sense to human logic) but that it has a lot of vocabulary you need to be taught or figure out first.

As for what magic (I don't spell it with a "k", because I don't bother to distinguish between actual magic and stage magic) is, I have defined it as "reality's operating system", in which manipulated information and programs are spells and spirits, respectively.
