Man Bites Woman's Neck, Claims To Be A 500 Years Old Vampire


A man claiming to be a vampire was in the Galveston County jail today after attacking a woman over the weekend.

"He was begging us to restrain him because he didn't want to kill us," Galveston Officer Daniel Erickson said. "He said he needed to feed."

Lyle Monroe Bensley, 19, of Galveston is being held on a charge of burglary with intent to commit assault after forcing his way early Saturday into the apartment of a woman he did not know, police spokesman Capt. Jeff Heyse said.

Bensley, covered with tattoos and wearing only boxer shorts, forced his way into the apartment on Seawall Boulevard and made his way into the bedroom of a woman whose name has not been released, Heyse said.

Bensley made growling and hissing noises while biting and hitting the woman in her bed, Heyse said. Bensley then dragged her out of the apartment and she broke free.

She ran into the parking lot where she got into a car driven by a neighbor. Bensley beat on the car before it sped away, Heyse said.

Police received a call at 6:50 a.m. Erickson said he and another officer were in the woman's second floor apartment when they heard shrieking and growling sounds and saw Bensley in the parking lot. They arrested Bensley after a short chase.

"I'm a vampire and I've been alive for over 500 years," Bensley said, according to Erickson.

Emergency medical personnel determined that Bensley did not appear to be under the influence of drugs, Erickson said. "That guy truly believed it."

A mental health hold was placed on Bensley and his bond was set at $40,000.


Ouch, this is weird. They didn't say if the guy had fangs? Or if he did shine in the sun? (oh wait, that's not a vampire fact, it's from Twilight!)
It would be interesting to have his mental health report.
Do you think a guy in boxer shorts can be a vampire?? It's not really the vision I had of it!


Sometimes I walk around at home wearing boxers only. I'm not a vampire, or so do I believe. :eek:

I bet that woman was scared big time. Imagine some weirdo getting into your place trying to bit your neck.

Here's a guide on how to find a real life vampire:

I know some people pretend to be a vampire. I do know there's disease (can't remember its name) that will cause you to have dramatic sunburns very easily and longer teeth. This guide really seems to be about finding real life vampires, not vampires wannabes. I'm having serious doubt about that stuff regarding "being a real life vampire" but it sure is interesting to check it out a bit. Perhaps a good friend of yours is a vampire!

Disease or not, call it what you will. The behavior exhibited is not acceptable, whether he thinks he is a "vampire" due to delusions, dementia, personality disorder, no I'm not making this up as I practtice in the "mental health' field, he poses a rrisk and needs to be treated as one, not as a "vampire", delusion or not. I wear boxers too and have no desire to bite anyone, well, maybe the female neighbor but that is a different story.;)


Conspiracy Cafe
Porphyria gives symptoms similar to what we think of as Vampiric, pale skin, pain from sunlight, blood coloured urine, but it didn't inspire the Vampire tale. Polidori's 1819 novella The Vampyre is the first recorded story of such creatures. Proto-Vampires are reported in human writings as far back as ancient Mesopotamia where Demons has all the traits we know in the modern Vampire. The first recorded use of the word was in 1047 and it was a Russian word Upir. Between 1725 and 1732 Austrian Officials noted a practice in Serbia of exhuming bodeies in order to kill the Vampire. This gained a lot of publicity at the time. Vlad the impaler is seen to be the name seized upon as he was descended of Vlad Dracul of House Draculesti, House Dragon, as he was notable for impaling people on wooden stakes. It is curious that Vlad's greatest enemy was Matthias Corvinus, another name lately attached to the Vampire legend.

Bram Stokers book, Dracula, drew on many legends and played to the Victorian fear of Patriarchy where elder males would live too long to pass their wealth along to younger family members. It was quite the book at that time. Stoker set the tone for what we perceive as Vampires today. Porphyria echoes that tone.


That's interesting, I didn't know it was going that far in history. I'm curious to know in what year the first case of porphyria has been recorded.
But, if we come back a bit to the main theme of this topic, I already seen a person in a bad talk show with "Denis Lévesque" who had porphyria, and did drink beef blood to maintain her iron & heme levels enough high.. She loved vampires and her husband too. It was kinda weird 'cause the interviewer couldn't stop trying to make her say that the fact she had porphyria excited her man...
Oh well, there's crazy people everywhere!
