Man claims to be abducted by bible references


New Member
I am frustrated because i have not found much more about this, if anyone here who is into this stuff has more info please let me know. thanks



Junior Member
Oh damn I saw this one the other day. Would love to find out more as well.


Senior Member
It's not uncommon for Aliens to take form and use names and faces to there Abductees for reasons only know to the abductees and the aliens. But mostly due to the actual look of them would scare or startle us and they dont want that.

But there is also refrence by many many abductees that there are many aliens visiting earth and visiting us so it is very pausable that he was abducted by a race we havent had much contact with.

As for the Knowledge transfer this is also becoming alot more common with Abductees, some transfer life knowledge specific to the person but there are others who are givin the knowledge to spread to the masses and some even warnings of things to come. The process of trasnfer without talking sounds right, abductee's claim that the aliens mouths dont move and that they talk directly into your mind.

As for the Out of body experience beliefe is that our bodys cant handle the atmosphere and process in wich the aliens use to travel the distances they do so they use our souls to travel instead of our vodys.

The comfort feeling is also fairly common, there are certain aliens whos specific duty among the abductions is to cause comfort and relaxation and all people claim it to be the equivalent to the love of a mother and unparalled comfort, this is also believe to how they can stop pain instantly.

And scary enough his final message really gets to me cause over the last few cases i have looked into and even some older cases, that the message is if we dont change our ways that were doomed, and the dooms day is very very close, but due to lack of beliefe and the fact people dont want to change for the better has sealed our fate and that the end is inevitable. I can go into depth with this but its a subject that has me truly worried about our near future.

I will look into his case a little more, but a few of the aliens he spoke of such as the calming one isnt uncommon its just the way they protraid them selfs. "excuse my spelling and grammer"

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
It's an interesting video. He seems to be saying it all upfront so it's very easy to form an opinion "he looks fake or too stoic to have gone through this experience that he talks about". But I don't have any opinion on this Video. If he did have this experience, it could be truth as random moments of enlightenment or experience with unworldly beings are rare but not completely out of order, based on what your previous associations and Karmas are.

There was nothing new in his message. All prophets, seers, Yogis, have said the same thing, but so few of us understand, accept and implement the message in our lives :)
I guess to the very least, we can listen to the message in the video and not get twisted out of shape in analyzing the technicalities of the video and whether he is lying or not.



Senior Member
Well a couple things i have found so far is that he has a degree in journalism and peopel are thinking this is his attempt into getting into the lime light. But nay sayers are a dime a dozen.

But this has blown up across the web when you search his name. Really he didnt go into to much depth on what he was givin for knowledge, also i guess the video keeps getting deleted and re-put back up. so i dunno i sense a hint of fake in him but overall it seems legit

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
I also don't get the "video deleting" bit. Videos (esp from YT) are not deleted unless you post highly objectionable content (like porn, extreme violence, terrorism, etc). This video has nothing in it that would flag it for deletion, so I wonder whether the up-loader received any emails from YT staff.


Senior Member
Ya i got that gist after searching through the guys posts on his forum. But something is better than nothing and he did cover a few points that have been going around on alot of forums
