Man Finds “Evidence” of Ancient Tool on Mars in New NASA Picture


Think outside the mind
An Australian man claims he has found evidence of technology in a Mars picture recently released by NASA.

The photograph shows a “valve similar to high pressure valves on Earth”, Enigma Digest, a YouTuber dedicated to finding anomalies on pictures published by America’s space agency, said on the video website.

“This is fascinating,” he said. “The circle is perfect, the whole piece looks like a valve.”

He presented his findings on a 3-minute-long video where he compared the anomaly to a vintage 6″ gate valve from Earth.

The similarities are astounding.

Enigma Digest compares a vintage 6″ gate to the print found on the Martian rock. Credit: Enigma Digest/YouTube

“The objects are clearly similar in form and shape,” he explained. “It’s not a natural formation. The precision in the object’s features indicates intelligent design.”

Critics across the internet rushed to comment on the oddity, blaming it on an imprint possibly made by the Mars Exploration Rover, also known as Opportunity.

“You’re busted. Why spread lies? I know what it is- you are doing it for the money,” wrote David Shelton.

Others, like Vernon Gravdal, took a more pragmatic approach by analyzing and comparing the images on Photoshop.

“In an effort to prove/disprove that the imprint was made by the rovers spectrometer’s screw-heads, I resized an image of the spectrometers screw head. Then I overlay-ed this picture over the image of the cross imprint. It was a near perfect match so this is the most likely explanation for the cross imprint.”

The researcher is open to suggestions and has so far replied to criticism.

“Some people believe that it’s an imprint made from the rovers drill. That is open to question. So far it’s been suggested that it’s the drill, it’s a microscopic image , the spectrometer and the imprint from the arm,” he said.

But some are not buying the Rovers theory and believe this could be the real deal.

“Okay, whether your a tin foil hat kind of guy or a bible thumping type of guy. You just can’t deny that something like that could have been naturally formed. It really is too perfect,” says Orlando Guerra.

Enigma Digest believes this is the most interesting anomaly he has ever come across while investigating the Red Planet.

“Of the many Mars Anomalies seen, this one is simply fascinating. The only question one has after looking at it is, how did it get there?” said Enigma Digest.

The new discovery comes one month after another YouTube user presented a different anomaly in another picture of what he believed to be the “undeniable” statue of a female humanoid holding a “scaly-tailed” alien baby on her arms. The purported monument shows the “mother” breastfeeding the “baby”.

In early March, one person claimed to have found a Christian wooden cross he thought could be a tombstone on the Martian surface.

The post Man Finds “Evidence” of Ancient Tool on Mars in New NASA Picture appeared first on Cryptozoology News.


As someone pointed out on that Irish Cross link, it's entirely possible it was just an imprint left in the sand/rock by one of the rover's instruments taking a sample. The fact that it's circular leads me to think that it's from the Rock Abrasion Tool, and they were taking a photo of the sample site.

Actually, never mind, as was pointed out in that article, it's probably just an imprint from the spectrometer's screw head.


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It doesn't look like anything natural. It really looks like some kind of valve, or even a screw.


Senior Member
Mars people were there about 65 million years ago. Due to serious Gamma Ray burst, that affected also Earth, massive asteroids and contacted Mars...they left our Solar System.....and yes they were their but found another place....may be someday we will talk to them....coming from same neighborhood....
