Many Worlds Theory


Active Member
Is there any recent evidence to support this theory? Any experiments or exploration into this theory?

AI: The Many-Worlds Theory is a hypothesis in quantum mechanics suggesting that all possible outcomes of a quantum event actually occur in separate, parallel universes. This implies that every decision or quantum interaction results in the creation of multiple parallel realities, each representing a different outcome. It's a speculative idea within the realm of quantum physics, exploring the notion that our universe is just one of countless branches in a vast multiverse.


Temporal Engineer
This kind of research is all from subjective experiences. Many refer to this as the Mandela effect. I just think our minds have the ability to move our consciousness to alternate universes every time we make a decision. We weave through parallel universes in a zig zag fashion encountering alternate versions of family and friends that we know.

Just try comparing your memories to someone you haven't seen in a while. You'll be surprised to learn that their memories don't match yours. Yet this is a universal phenomena.

Lost a loved one to some tragic event? Just wait. You may see them again in an alternate universe where the tragic event didn't occur!


This kind of research is all from subjective experiences. Many refer to this as the Mandela effect. I just think our minds have the ability to move our consciousness to alternate universes every time we make a decision. We weave through parallel universes in a zig zag fashion encountering alternate versions of family and friends that we know.

Just try comparing your memories to someone you haven't seen in a while. You'll be surprised to learn that their memories don't match yours. Yet this is a universal phenomena.

Lost a loved one to some tragic event? Just wait. You may see them again in an alternate universe where the tragic event didn't occur!

I have always had a theory suggesting that,
this is where we actually ARE using those areas of the brain that academia says we never use.

Mandela Effect....Is a possibility however, it remains unresolved in just
HOW we utilize the conscious vs subconscious to create or realize these boundaries.


Active Member
I lost a former girlfriend to suicide in 2009. We had gone our separate ways in 2008. She moved to another state and lived with her brother. She was a nurse and had gotten a job. She ended up making a mistake at work and lost her job. And her life fell apart. I received an email from her brother that she had died. Years later I was introduced to Zeshua when she was posting on sites. I messaged Zeshua in 2014 on the site she was posting on. She responded to me via email in 2020 the same day she continued posting on Paranormalis. In her email to me she said she was in 2027 and had the ability to email the past. We went back and forth over a few days. She offered to send an email to my girlfriend prior to her death. I gave Zeshua her obituary. She said she sent the email to my girlfriend and that her response was so insulting that she would not relay the message. I have attempted to email Zeshua since then but no response. On Paranormalis I was informed that Zeshua was a fraud so the whole conversation was likely made up. So yeah the possibility of her being alive somewhere is interesting.


I lost a former girlfriend to suicide in 2009. We had gone our separate ways in 2008. She moved to another state and lived with her brother. She was a nurse and had gotten a job. She ended up making a mistake at work and lost her job. And her life fell apart. I received an email from her brother that she had died. Years later I was introduced to Zeshua when she was posting on sites. I messaged Zeshua in 2014 on the site she was posting on. She responded to me via email in 2020 the same day she continued posting on Paranormalis. In her email to me she said she was in 2027 and had the ability to email the past. We went back and forth over a few days. She offered to send an email to my girlfriend prior to her death. I gave Zeshua her obituary. She said she sent the email to my girlfriend and that her response was so insulting that she would not relay the message. I have attempted to email Zeshua since then but no response. On Paranormalis I was informed that Zeshua was a fraud so the whole conversation was likely made up. So yeah the possibility of her being alive somewhere is interesting.

I went and found the member you're referring to as Zeshua.

^^ Is this the thread you referred to ^^ ?
Sadly, it does read out as a ruse.

I am so, so sorry having just read about your former friend. :(

I found out recently that an old friend committed the act of suicide back in 2020,
time doesn't reduce the pain.
