Marvel Snap Has Become One of My Favorite Games



I love playing video games. Lately, I’ve been playing many digital card games, such as Hearthstone, Shadowverse, Warpforge and most other similar games. And Marvel Snap.

Have you played Marvel Snap before? It’s a pretty unique card game. On the surface, it looks extremely simplistic compared to most standard card games such as Hearthstone.

In Marvel Snap:
  • Games are short: 6 turns, sometimes 7.
  • Decks are small: 12 cards.
  • Games are very quick.
  • Cards have effects but do not attack.
  • The board is split into 3 locations (3 lanes).
These characteristics are fine on their own. But how they cleverly combined them is what makes the game surprisingly fun to play.

Think about this. You play with a 12-card deck. You start with 3 cards in hand and then you draw one card per turn. That’s 3 + 6 = 9 cards. So in every game, you’ll draw at least 9 of your 12 cards. This makes it so, that your deck’s strategy is very likely to succeed. That’s cool. It’s fun to pilot such decks, and it makes deckbuilding engaging and rewarding.

For example, I have a “Double Reveal” combo deck that uses 3 to 4 pivotal cards to achieve its winning conditions. The odds that I draw 2, 3, or 4 of these 4 cards, out of my 9 expected draws are pretty high.

As mentioned, there’s no card-fighting like in Hearthstone. So most cards interact with other cards locally using “ongoing” or “on reveal” abilities. Things remain simple but entertaining, and quick.

Finally, 6-turn games don’t take long, they last only a couple of minutes. You lost? No big deal, let’s play another one. And one more…

Also, the game economy and collection building are honest and fair. Marvel Snap shines very bright in this department. The overall economy works as follows:

1. By simply playing, you gain boosters. You also gain credits and season points by completing missions as you play.
3. Season points (and season milestones) give you more credits and boosters.
4. You upgrade your cards using credits and boosters. Upgraded cards are cosmetic only, they’re not stronger.
5. Every time you upgrade a card, you increase your collection’s level.
6. As your collection level increases, you unlock more and more cards. And you get more boosters and credits.

And so on…

Unlike most digital card games, there are no card packs to open. You get your cards as you increase your collection’s level, over time. That’s how you’ll gain 99% of your cards. So you won’t get wrecked by players who paid money to open a ton of packs on release day.

It’s possible to get good cards (or get them early) with money, of course. But free-to-play players aren’t at a disadvantage compared to all the other games out there. Snap is easily the most F2P-friendly card game around. It doesn’t feel bad at all to be a F2P player.

I encourage you to try it out, it’s a lot of fun. :)
