Me talking to Me

Me talking to Me

Hey everyone, I wanted to share a very weird email I recieved this morning.

It's short and sweet.

Watch your stories, ?lets say you think i'm from the future, which i may. ?Becareful what story u tell... dr ff

here is the weird part. It from me. It's from my email account, my IP i recieved it this morning. No, I wasnt drinking last night. I dont know I just dont get it. Honestly, if I do ever figure it out i'll tell you. I can't think of anyone who could have had my email account password.... weird.


Re: Me talking to Me

Tres weird Dr. Firefly. Keep us posted if anything else happens. I'd like to get an email from me in the future. I'd probably kick my own ass with that.


Re: Me talking to Me

Reminds me, of a time, back in the days. Around 10 years from Now. I was chatting with friends, in what is called IRC. Suddenly this person message me and tell me things, claiming he is Me from some future. He reveals things, that later came true. He tells me things, I wish I didnt even know. But still, the things he told, didnt turn out to be lies or fantasy. Quite the opposite. So, personally, I follow the way of "My Future Self" as I call "him". And it is quite intersting, not to mention astounding. But I prefere to keep the information he gave me for my own purposes, as this is what it was intended for. Good luck mate.
Re: Me talking to Me

Just a update. A week or so ago. I was about to tell someone a something that would have been outside their realm of understanding, and this message was in my mind so I didn't tell. I just hope this was the situation, but I will cont. to watch my stories to the uninformed. But, I havent had anything negative or posstive yet, and no new emails.

Re: Me talking to Me

Well I can only hope, that these experiences means that both of us will be able to travel through time sometime in the future. That would be rather excellent
Re: Me talking to Me

if you don't get another e-mail it is possible that was the situation especially since you had the e-mail on your mind at the time. still very werid stuff.
Re: Me talking to Me

Two ideas:

1) It's you from the future, calling your past self. That would be pretty cool.

2) Someone hacked into your e-mail account and is trying to get money from you. He's pretending to be you because that has a possibility of covering up his visits to your account in order to get credit card numbers.
