Me talking to Me
Hey everyone, I wanted to share a very weird email I recieved this morning.
It's short and sweet.
here is the weird part. It from me. It's from my email account, my IP i recieved it this morning. No, I wasnt drinking last night. I dont know I just dont get it. Honestly, if I do ever figure it out i'll tell you. I can't think of anyone who could have had my email account password.... weird.

Hey everyone, I wanted to share a very weird email I recieved this morning.
It's short and sweet.
Watch your stories, ?lets say you think i'm from the future, which i may. ?Becareful what story u tell... dr ff
here is the weird part. It from me. It's from my email account, my IP i recieved it this morning. No, I wasnt drinking last night. I dont know I just dont get it. Honestly, if I do ever figure it out i'll tell you. I can't think of anyone who could have had my email account password.... weird.