Medical Lazer


Active Member
I was just thinking of something funny that happened when I was a bit younger, and thought I'd post about it here.

PA has a program for high school sophomores called the Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership.. nicknamed HOBY. Each school in the state selects one student and sends them there. Supposed to be their most promising young individual. Why I was chosen is beyond me. :p But at this convention, one of the things you do is fill out what you want to go to college for.. Well, at the time I wanted to go to school for dentistry. Mainly because I had, and still have a strange fascination with teeth.. AND money. So after you fill all this out, they send you out in groups to areas that have volunteered in your career area to show you the ropes for the day.. Well not enough people wanted to be dentists so they rolled us into the doctors group and off we go to the hospital. Keep in mind I have a curious mindset and mischevious at times. Still do even though I'm getting older, but that youthful mentality keeps on grinding away with me. Anyways.. This doctor is describing to us, the then new theories and practices of laser surgery. AND they just so happened to have one of these bad boys. So this guy is setting up this machine to give us a demonstration on an orange. And there I am right behind him watching how to set this bad boy up. I'm noticing the power settings, the pulse settings, the pedal(yes just like a gas pedal to control on and off which I think was taken from a sewing machine)... And then he gives each of us a tongue depressor and let's us write our names on it. And as we're doing this, he decides it's a good a time as any to go out and go to the toilet. What a dumbass.. Who in their right mind leaves 30, 16yr old kids in a room with a laser???? So guess what I did?? All these other goodie two shoes stopped doing anything while he left. And I was bored. I have ADD, I can't help it. So I grabbed that damn orange and I dug for China all the way through it with that laser. It smelled like some high power citrus fragrance in there and orange juice spray was all over the laser. that old guy came back and in the middle of my procedure and I stopped and just looked at him. Everyone else started ratting me out right away. Jerks. I just stood there and told him that he shouldn't have left me alone with something like that in a room with as many curious minds, that it was bound to happen. This dude just started laughing. Apparently he never thought that such minds bound for medical school would do something like this.. I mean here I am in a room full of would-be future leaders of our nation.. and they put a jock in the mix. So the doc and I had a good laugh then he called the nurses in to clean up my mess.

Moral of the story is... Lasers are freakin' AWESOME!!
