

I'm interested if anyone else has this experience involving memories.
It would seem logical that memories of yourself would all be from a first person perspective. I've
begun to notice that in many cases I am remembering from a third person perspective. I wondered if I
was experiencing false memories but these are things that have happened to me. Could it be that as
we get older and gain life experiences and our memories become more and more familiar that we
begin to see this 'outside the event' perspective? I first really became aware of this while
remembering an event from when I was maybe 7 or 8 years old. It seems as a child I loved the taste of
good-ole regular aspirin (ok, maybe I still do ;)). One night I kept going into the bathroom medicine
cabinet and getting another aspirin like they were candy. My brother was taking a bath at the time and
after several times my brother, being the jealous type, went to my parents and asked why I got to have
so many aspirin and he couldn't (he may have saved my life). My parents rushed me to the hospital
where they pumped my stomach. Not a pleasant experience. Now, it seems I remember this event
from the third person. It's as if I step back and view the memory as a spectator in the room. I see
myself lying on a doctors' office type table wearing the plaid robe and pajamas I did wear as a child. I
see the doctor and nurse putting the tubes in ( I wont go into detail here as it was pretty gross). In any
event, I can see the entire experience as if I watched it instead of lived it. This happens with more and
more memories or perhaps I'm just noticing it more often but, I am curious if anyone else notices
this in their memories.


yes it happens to me also it use to bother me alot at first I thought it was just me and that my mind was splitting into a new personallity.. I have now come to think it is a matter of perspective on my part. that I no longer see my self as a child so those memories seem like someone ells. I came to this conclushion when the same thing started to happen with the events from my 20's and 30' in my 50's most of my memories seem as thow they took place in another life time. to another person and the faces of otheres in the events have begun to fade also. I find myself haveing to consintrate to remember what people even looked like.
