Michael Jackson Death Conspiracy?


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Michael Jackson Death Conspiracy?

Some people think he might have faked his death to avoid debts and such, and start a new life. Even with a new name, people are going to recognize him. These kind of stories can only be imagined by conspiracy theorist who see conspiracies every now and then. Sadly, I think he's really dead, no conspiracy here. What do you think, does anybody think there could be a conspiracy around MJ's death ?

The sudden nature of Michael Jackson’s death has prompted many observers to question the details surrounding the singer’s passing.

Indeed, the conspiracy theories were forming even before Los Angeles County Coroner Fred Corell pronounced Jackson dead at 2.26pm local time yesterday.

Upon the star’s arrival at hospital, Hollywood blogger Perez Hilton declared himself “dubious” of a “stunt” carried out by someone “dragging their heels” ahead of a 50-night residency planned for London’s O2 Arena.

The posting was later removed from PerezHilton.com, but was reproduced across social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, where Hilton’s words have largely been met with a mixture of disgust and derision.

The theory did find some supporters though, with one commenter at showbizdigitalspy speculating: “Millions in debt and realises he can’t deliver on a 50 gig comeback tour, so he fakes his death, assumes a new identity (which he’s been trying to achieve for many years) and disappears?”

Despite being forced into co-ownership of his and entertainment website Neverland Ranch after defaulting on loan repayments and coming close to having his belongings auctioned off earlier this month, most see as spurious suggestions he’d fake his own death to allay financial problems.

Questions, however, remain; observers wondering why Jackson’s personal doctor was at home when he collapsed and why he was unable to help him.

Others are pointing to the length of time it took to confirm his death as evidence of some kind of conspiracy.

The Los Angeles Police Department are investigating the case, but the officer leading the probe has downplayed the possibility of any wrongdoing.

“The LAPD handles death investigations every day,” said Lieutenant Greg Strank.

“The Robbery And Homicide Unit was assigned to this because of the high-profile nature of the case.”

Reports claim an autopsy on Jackson’s body will be completed later today, which should shed more light on the details of his death.
Jackson Death Conspiracy? - Yahoo! News UK
Re: Michael Jackson Death Conspiracy?

No it could not happen, a army of people in LA (Doctors, police, and the list is long) worked on Jackson. Jackson would have made well over 1.0 + billion in US dollars in next 9 months when his debts was only .750 billion in US dollars.:(

Re: Michael Jackson Death Conspiracy?

A lot of people are saying it's not real, it's surprising me how many people. I'm the one with the conspiracie theories, and they are the ones saying it, haha.

I have a question for you, do you think he really fathered those children? I have three black friends at work, and they state that the black gene is the dominant one and there is no sign of it in the children. I thought they were, but not it makes me think.

I don't know.

Re: Michael Jackson Death Conspiracy?

May the media who is turning this into a circus let the guy rest in peace. Didn't N. Korea just threaten to wipe us off the map? Yet all I get is Jackson, Jackson, Jackson on the news. It's saddening really. That the same news that almost destroyed him with the pedophile allegations is now using him for fodder to boost ratings.
Re: Michael Jackson Death Conspiracy?

Media are weapons of mass distraction, they are happy right now, they can talk about MJ as much as they want, it's still a fresh news. They don't have to bother to find out news about the world, they got MJ to talk about in loop, it's keeping us busy.
I agree with numenorean, its a mass distraction, for example, there are 11 million people have been recently made homeless in africa cause of some war that was simply a small line on the bottom of a CNN broadcast, and I can bet many people didnt even give it a second thought after reading it when it perplexed me myself.

and to stay on topic, MJ pulling an elvis would be just as easy today as back then.
