Michael Jackson's Ghost?


New Member
Michael Jackson's Ghost?

Dude seriously watch this you can see it. Gave me the spooks. - vlt

I was watching Larry Kings special on Jackson's death and could have swore I saw a shadow figure in the hallway of the home. I did some searching on youtube and found this video.

Watch @ around the 8:15 mark when they show you the interior of the home, looking down the hallway

Re: Michael Jackson's Ghost?

Hey, I can see the ghost on the video too !

There's no way to know if it's real, It's most likely fake, but everything is there, he walks the same way, etc.

This one isn't hard to see at all. It's pretty clear that there's something there. Now, what is it ? Swamp gaz ?

Re: Michael Jackson's Ghost?

It's Michael Jackson moonwalking singing Thriller in his new undead form. I dunno what it is. I have heard all sorts of theories. It's amusing though. lol.

Re: Michael Jackson's Ghost?

Perhaps it's just a joke made by MSM to laugh at people making up theories about MJ's death.
Re: Michael Jackson's Ghost?

could be anything. may be a digital insert but it's not a shadow on the wall.; a shadow would have enlarged greatly and not been human size. however that may not be true because of perspective what looks human size to us might be very large down the hall.
Re: Michael Jackson's Ghost?

It's amusing, but nothing more. Stuff like this kind of turns me off because it's distracting and kind of downplays the real encounters.
That's true, and most of the videos we see nowadays are obviously videos like this one.
Michael Jackson's ghost rumored to walk in his mansion. Oh and not just walk but "Moon Walk". The Larry King show, I saw the shadow of a moon walking ghost but I never think it's real. With our technology nowadays it's easy to insert a moon walking shadow for more rating but the camera men went with the acting too. lol
Now I have read about his "ghost" and frankly, I didn't trust him aroundkids when he was alive and I darn sure aren't inclined to believe his behavior has changed just because he is a "ghost". He was "spooky" when he was alive.
