minuteman project and Waco type events thread


Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

I second that emotion Rob. Hmmm what about getting a small slip of paper you can put in plastic that says "PRESS" in large letters and under that some ficticious News Rags name in smaller lettering, you can wear it and film all you want and remain untouched?? :D

As for that other site, I was only going to point out that it would have been useless to try to put down a situation like that as the poor fellow imploded all by his lonesome and couldn't have possibly made it look any worse even if great effort were put into it.


minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Actually, I do have some friends that are press, and I could probably get something like that more legitimately. I've already printed out the cards and posters from the site and hung them around my...ahem...cube.
I don't guess that I would be too bothered by anyone just for shooting video. I'm not what you'd call "Middle eastern" looking, and if I was casing anything it should be way over and done. Now the jester hat, that might give me away.

Judge Bean

Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by Hackimer@ Rob,Aug 19 2004, 07:27 PM
Actually, I do have some friends that are press, and I could probably get something like that more legitimately. I've already printed out the cards and posters from the site and hung them around my...ahem...cube.
I don't guess that I would be too bothered by anyone just for shooting video. I'm not what you'd call \"Middle eastern\" looking, and if I was casing anything it should be way over and done. Now the jester hat, that might give me away.

RNC? Nobody will even notice it.


minuteman project and Waco type events thread

And remember, Rob: you have the international press with you (read: and unknown italian journalist) and the best defence available (read: a crazy lawyer down there in Fresno).
So you can feel well supported! :p


Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Tell me that she did't say the c word, it just HAD to be a typo. :p

Judge Bean

Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by StarLord@Aug 19 2004, 11:48 PM
Tell me that she did't say the c word, it just HAD to be a typo. :p

It's Italian slang for "extraordinarily hilarious."


minuteman project and Waco type events thread

HEY, if ANYONE is going to be known by the C word on this forum it has GOT to be me. I'm actually a little insulted.

Nice to know they may read of my exploits in Italia. :blush:


Junior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

scratches head...


I guess from this question you can tell I am not an internet geek - Not that any of you are either :p


minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Cornelia posted
(read: a crazy lawyer down there in Fresno).

Help Pauli?
BTW the avatar - supreme. SUPREME!

There once was a kitty named puss
This kitty was nobody's wuss
He blinked his big eyes,
but to their suprise
He beat them with nary a fuss.


Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by Hackimer@ Rob,Aug 19 2004, 07:33 PM
HEY, if ANYONE is going to be known by the C word on this forum it has GOT to be me. I'm actually a little insulted.

Nice to know they may read of my exploits in Italia. :blush:

Okay Hack,

You're a "C"razy bastard, and I mean that in the most affectionate way. Feel better now? I just explained what FUBAR meant to Pauli.

How old are you Pauli? I've been knowing about FUBAR since 5th grade, about 40 yrs. ago. Maybe it was the bad influence I grew up around, or maybe I'm just bas class white trash. Rock on kid. Or is that "50 cent on" these days?


P.S. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I hate cats with a passion, but keep the avitar so I'll know who you are. Why doesn't everybody who loves cats so much, get a nice kitten avitar? We could all hold hands and sing kitty cat songs. (Okay, I'm being sarcastic and facetious now. Don't take me seriously.)
