minuteman project and Waco type events thread

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

What we have here I think is a collection point for a great many near-Waco type situations; things that suggest the same kind of circumstances, things that smack of Waco, etc. We are not saying that tanks in the street in all circumstances mean that the government is attacking the people; it's just that it is one step toward familiarizing us with the equipment.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

The tank incident definatly struck me as a subtule threat. Kind of like somone with a pistol under his jacket pulling showing it for a second to somone who he wants to intimidate. Not going to get alot of notice, not going to alarm everyone in the room, but definatly a message to the people it is intended for.

The mormon thing, thats weird. It is just too much like waco. Religious group, accusations of sexual misconduct leveled against the leader. If the feds get involved...... The media has already used the term waco incident when talking about this one. (It seems to me that if I start seeing keywords that were used in the JT thing in the media, I'm going to find him alot more believable.)
If one wanted to start a war here, I can't think of a better way of doing it than picking on a group with alot of money, alot of solidarity, who is already paranoid about the government. Oh yeagh, they effectivly have their own state too. If the feds pull a Rambo there, we're in deep sheep dip. This ONE man and ONE woman thing they're putting into the constitution sounds like as much of a poke at Mormon fundis as at homosexuals when you think about it.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by Darkwolf@Nov 15 2004, 07:52 AM
The tank incident definatly struck me as a subtule threat. Kind of like somone with a pistol under his jacket pulling showing it for a second to somone who he wants to intimidate. Not going to get alot of notice, not going to alarm everyone in the room, but definatly a message to the people it is intended for.

The mormon thing, thats weird. It is just too much like waco. Religious group, accusations of sexual misconduct leveled against the leader. If the feds get involved...... ?The media has already used the term waco incident when talking about this one. (It seems to me that if I start seeing keywords that were used in the JT thing in the media, I'm going to find him alot more believable.)
If one wanted to start a war here, I can't think of a better way of doing it than picking on a group with alot of money, alot of solidarity, who is already paranoid about the government. Oh yeagh, they effectivly have their own state too. If the feds pull a Rambo there, we're in deep sheep dip. This ONE man and ONE woman thing they're putting into the constitution sounds like as much of a poke at Mormon fundis as at homosexuals when you think about it.

Well, it's a splinter LDS group. They've had these sects break off in Arizona for many years. In fact, the Mormons have had an incredible number of offshoots going back to the earliest days of the church, and some of them are still in operation in New York and the Midwest. The Western bigamist cults are the wildest ones, and they are quite durable (unlike, say, the Shakers) because of their "cult" organization.

Koresh was closer spiritually to these groups than he was to any "Protestant" or "Evangelical" church, and they are in the mainstream of an old American tradition of crackpottery in which you start up your own religion in the woods. God and Guns go together in a commune setting. The government and the official religious organizations have always viewed these people as a threat, going back to Massachusetts Colony vs. Thomas Morton of Merrymount (a Waco-type event three centuries ago).
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Couldn't help a cynical chuckle. Half the time it seems our Govt. is run by gangsters
and the other half the time seems to be Corporate pirates bent on world domination.

I wouldn't be suprised if this situation regarding the polygamus sect get's out of hand, that they may be labelled as terrorists.

I can almost hear those "mobsters" in charge now.


minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Honestly, you're too caught up in it. Did anyone have to go 'looking' for the Waco event. It was so big it was all over the news. Let's not create something that is not there yet.

Should it come, you and everyone will know it. It will involve religion. A group of people destroyed because of their religious beliefs.

By the way, anyone had helicopters hovering their houses lately. I live out in the country an one day a black helicopter hovered around my street for 15 - 30 minutes. Another came by today, but just passed by. I just thought it was strange because of the markings of the helicopter (black mostly but seemed to try to be spotted with bits of brown here and there). We live near a lot of huge pastures with cows, don't know what they'd want here. No military base near by ....Well, I am sure it was a test flight for someone wishing to learn how to fly an odd looking helicopter.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Another came by today, but just passed by. I just thought it was strange because of the markings of the helicopter (black mostly but seemed to try to be spotted with bits of brown here and there).

Thats one of the military low visibility paint jobs. If you are right next to them, you can tell that they are marked US army or something, there not one if the infamus unmarked black hellicopters. I'll bet that the NWO folks use civillian choppers, properly marked and registered to a corperation. If you think about it thats more effective camoflage.

I wouldn't be suprised if this situation regarding the polygamus sect get's out of hand, that they may be labelled as terrorists.

Woulden't surprise me either, theres no reason that should get any national media attention. So far its just the county mounties getting ticked about losing their pollitical power. The media coverage however is similar to what was seen about the dividians just a few weeks pre raid, so the feds might just be about to step in.
If that group gets support from the mormon community at large, then we have a new group of domestic "enemies" Look for charges of racism, as well as the origional polygamy problem to be played up.
My bet is it tears loose on these guys, or one of the border groups such as ranch rescue.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by kat_woman@Nov 15 2004, 08:20 PM
Honestly, you're too caught up in it. Did anyone have to go 'looking' for the Waco event. It was so big it was all over the news. Let's not create something that is not there yet.

Should it come, you and everyone will know it. ?It will involve religion. A group of people destroyed because of their religious beliefs.

Well considering the media is basically under control of bushco. I won't expect too much coverage of anything relevant especially nowadays, only things like how good america's doing in EYE-RAQ and some pointless garbage thrown in here and there like scott peterson or arnold schwarzengger. It's like a I hear of all these reports of protests and I turn on the tv and hear not one word about it. The media's hiding the truth. Also didn't " John Titor" mention something about it slowly building up for a while until everyone in america would realize the "civil war" was taking place? Considering america's controlled by the media, I could see how it would take a while.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Well considering the media is basically under control of bushco. I won't expect too much coverage of anything relevant especially nowadays, only things like how good america's doing in EYE-RAQ

Its not really, the media will do what the media does. It will present what will get them the advertising and viewers. That means that they will show the most sensational thing that they can. If there is something that can be described as a Waco incident, expect to see it live and in color. Now, the distortions will come when the newshawks swallow everything that the spokespeople say about the situation whole.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by kat_woman@Nov 16 2004, 02:20 AM
Honestly, you're too caught up in it. Did anyone have to go 'looking' for the Waco event. It was so big it was all over the news. Let's not create something that is not there yet.

Should it come, you and everyone will know it. ?It will involve religion. A group of people destroyed because of their religious beliefs.

By the way, anyone had helicopters hovering their houses lately. I live out in the country an one day a black helicopter hovered around my street for 15 - 30 minutes. Another came by today, but just passed by. ?I just thought it was strange because of the markings of the helicopter (black mostly but seemed to try to be spotted with bits of brown here and there). We live near a lot of huge pastures with cows, don't know what they'd want here. No military base near by ....Well, I am sure it was a test flight for someone wishing to learn how to fly an odd looking helicopter.

It sounds like you are whistling in the dark.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Its not really, the media will do what the media does. It will present what will get them the advertising and viewers. That means that they will show the most sensational thing that they can.

Darkwolf; generally I agree wholeheartedly with you - however I would like to add two cents worth on the topic of 'media relationship with the public'.

According to the River Front Times, a nonpartisan 'underground' type of newspaper in St. Louis. Over 10 years ago, they ran the "10 Biggest Media Cover Up Stories" of 1990, or 1991. Several of them were interesting enough for me to remember, and actually I still have that very paper in a box somewhere.

One of the biggest I remember was about Desert Storm. There were actually two stories, now to think of it, regarding the war at that time. The first one had to do with how Bush was debating on going to war with Iraq. How one deciding factor was that Sadaam had troops massing on neighboring borders, soldiers just waiting to go kill people from friendly nations. One tidbit of information came from a private Florida company who had satellites positioned around the globe. As the great media machine poured out this type of information in support of the war, this company showed that the borders were empty. As the US took the position to proceed to war with Sadaam - this company was silenced.

The other story, which I found most fascinating - had to do with 'No Civilian Casualties', as our government - supported by the media, claimed that our smart bomb technology worked flawlessly and no innocents were getting hurt. :lol:

On this note, I have to say that during this time of the 90's, I worked for a Satellite Dish sales company. Remember when the 8 and 10 foot dishes were popular, and those five pound cell phones - especially in rural areas? Well, almost every day we would aim our dish at one of the GSAT's (or something like that) and watch raw footage coming over from Iraq. Things I saw on a Monday wouldn't even gain national media attention until Wednesday, and sometimes Thursday. They would even enhance their story by starting with the words "...and this just in". We'd laugh, knowing we saw the exact same footage two or three days prior.

We witnessed raw satellite footage of homes, business and streets in shambles. People carrying bodies on stretchers, etc. I personally saw this on some of the daily feeds. Now, ABC - CBS - FOX etc. all said they weren't going to carry this footage. NBC however, said they would air it the next morning. Here's something for you to think about (and maybe even research for yourself for I'm sure you can find corraborating information). NBC actually fired the President of the company when he said he wouldn't pull it, and was actually going to go ahead and show the footage. The next morning came - and just like all other media outlets, they too did not run the footage of our bombs hitting civilian homes and injuring civilians.

Who do you think could terminate a corporate Presidents position? Would it possibly be the Board of Directors? And who do you think sits on the Boards of Directors for mainstream media? To keep all this in check, when I worked at a small radio station - we only talked about the news that was handed down to us. From AP, UPI, and even other city's newspapers from around our area. If it doesn't make it past the big few - it certainly wont make it to the rest of us.

The mainstream media IS under the guise of puppet masters. There ARE strings being pulled. Most of the 'sheeple' only know what you tell 'em.

Now, wanna talk about media cover ups? Howabout when NASA released actual mission photo's 30 years after the fact - of man made (well, intelligent creature made) objects on the moon. The pictures were from one of the manned space missions to the moon, and they aired one early morning on CBS for almost 60 seconds before being yanked, and appeared on no other channels. Only Atlantis Rising, Omni - and one other printed publication carried the news. I happened to be watching the news that morning - and saw for myself the NASA man - standing infront of a podium, blue curtains - NASA logo - and NASA logo's on the assorted photo's they managed to air before it was abruptly stopped. This leads me to another question - why, only after China said they're going to the moon - is it so damn important for us to get back there. <-- note * cynicism.

Ohh yeah baby - there's media manipulation :devil: - and it happens more than any of us would like to either admit or believe.
