minuteman project and Waco type events thread

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Here is a real "Waco Type Event." I don't know the current status of this man and his family. I found this item on usenet from 2003. Originally from http://www.ettribune.com/

?We Are Here To Stay?

Assures Republic of Texas Militia member

John Joe Gray

By Jason Almgreen

It has been three years since John Joe Gray and family barricaded themselves in
their makeshift compound on their own land in Trinidad, Texas.

If you remember, Mr. Gray was a local man who was rumored to have beaten two
highway patrol officers unconscious after a routine traffic stop in the spring
of 2000 and was charged with assault on a highway patrol officer after trying
to take his gun and refusing to surrender.

Gray is also the father of Lisa Gray, who kidnapped her two children after they
were awarded custody to their father, Keith Tarkenton, during their divorce in
1999 and has held them in her family?s compound ever since.

John Joe Gray and his sons are still avid members of the Republic of Texas
Militia Group, even though the Militia has gone underground and is still in

They are still there and refusing to leave their land; nothing has really been
done by local law enforcement to get them out since they refused to leave in
the summer of 2000.

With their signs decorating their front gate saying, ?We are militia and will
live free or die (on the back it says ?Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is
near? Matthew 3:2 and Psalm 19:9) and ?Disobedience to tyranny is obedience
to God,? as well as the Republic of Texas sign, I made a visit to their
compound to see how they were doing after three years of not leaving their

John Joe Gray, Jonathan Gray, and another man named Ken greeted me at the front
gate dressed in fatigues and side arms strapped to their hips. They were very
gracious and respectful in answering my questions.

The house could be seen from the road, and there were kids running around the
front yard with an older woman who was dressed as if she had been out in the
woods for days without any facilities. Lisa Gray?s children are allegedly
still held in the Gray compound, but those reports could not be confirmed.

They told me that they were still surviving and living well, even though they
had not had any electricity for two years and had never left their compound
since they seized themselves in it three years ago.

John Joe wanted to make sure that I and the people in Henderson County knew
that they were being helped a great deal by those who believed in their cause,
and hinted that those who were helping them were members of the Republic of
Texas Militia.

It was rumored that the Gray family, with the Republic of Texas, was suing a
few of the County Judges from Henderson County, as well as the Sheriff?s
department in a federal court. But John Joe Gray told me this was not true and
had no intention of fighting law enforcement officials in this county in any
way unless they trespassed upon his property.

The County Attorney?s office in Henderson County confirmed the same thing, in
that a few County Judges and the Sheriff?s department from Henderson County
were not being sued by the Gray family.

John Joe Gray also told me they are well informed on what happens in the
outside world. He had a lot of negative comments about our President, George W.
Bush, and the War with Iraq.

One of the main things that John Joe pointed out about the war that he wanted
people to know was that David Bloom, the NBC correspondent that was killed
during the war, was not killed by accident.

David Bloom was about to expose the fact that the American people did not know
how many American soldiers were actually being killed during the war and after.
Also, that Mr. Bloom was about to expose the many graves filled with American
soldiers that were being hidden from the American people.

The three Gray men that I talked to were very eager to educate me on how they
saw the world and what they truly believed in. To this day, they have done away
with all association with the United States Government and told me that the
only law they follow was God?s law.

When asked how they felt about law enforcement officials in Henderson County,
they simply told me they wished them no harm, but that they could not have any
association with law enforcement in this county because they were controlled by
a satanic occult.

This was also the reason they gave why the Sheriff?s department was trying to
put them in jail, in that people controlled by a satanic occult could not allow
God-fearing people to live in peace.

Mr. Gray also informed me that Masonic lodges were a part of a satanic occult
and that Henderson County was third in the nation for the occult, as well as
comparing law enforcement officials here to being just like the Nazis.

I asked the three men what kind of training they had, and they all told me that
each one of them was well trained in military tactic by ex-military, as all
members of the Republic of Texas Militia are.

They also told me that they knew very well police and S.W.A.T. team procedures,
to be prepared for when they might have to defend their home from the raiding
of law enforcement officials.

They have not been bothered by local law enforcement in the last year, except
for the occasional spotlighting by police officers of their home. They stated
they do not intend to retaliate unless law enforcement officials step on their
land, while pointing to the sign on the tree that read, ?No Trespassing ?
Survivors will be prosecuted.?

Right now, they are doing the best they can to live in peace and live by their
beliefs without being bothered by law enforcement officials and the occasional
curious citizen who wanders down the road to take a look at their compound.

They Gray Family is surviving by a few generators for electricity and the food
they grow themselves, they hunt for, and what others bring them. They have
enough weapons for a small platoon and keep a very watchful eye for strangers
who might pose a threat.

They are willing to educate those that want to learn, as they see it, the
government?s control over the people and the New World Order, as well as the
revolution John Joe Gray told me was about to come throughout the land.

They have a short-wave band radio station that the family invites people to
listen to hear the truth, as John Joe Gray put it to me, at station 6.990 with
a show that airs Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

When I asked John Joe Gray if he ever plans to come out and give up, he replied
to me, ?Even though Henderson County offered me a reduced sentence of only
six months in jail if I came out, I will not leave until I?m either dead or
the revolution has come; but we are here to stay.?
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Thanks Dancho. You keep coming up with the "good stuff". Keep it up pal. Glad you're here pal.

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Wow, that was great, it is a actual waco type event. Imagine their influence expanded to other counties that didn't want to follow the goverments laws?
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Snakey, I woulden't call this a waco type event. The guy is hiding in his house, yes. However noticably absent are tanks, hellicopters, a swat team, well, anything that remotly shows some evidence of a seige. In fact the government forces involved seem not to really want to deal with the guy.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

I think the reason the government doesn't get involved in this is that this man and his family do not pose a serious threat to them, or to anyone else for that matter (at least for now). Now, if these people were to gather around their compound a large group of followers who were all armed, ready and willing to fight government officials or civilians, I'm sure the police who get involved in some way. But these people are too few to scare anyone. The court officials in that county probably just decided to let them rot in their self-imposed prison.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Hmmm..... "ASCETIC MUTENESS"....don't we need a cave some where on a mountain for a retreat like that?

I tried that a few times, the freedom one gains from a period of introspection is pretty awesome if you don't mind: the dampness of the surroundings, lack of popcorn & milk duds (unless I brought them), eternal solitude from the incessant chatter from your nosey neighbor, occasional baths from subzero Mountain Stream water, the ubiquitous shrinkage factor of 11 on a 1 to 9 scale and the not too immediate understanding that almost every thing known is wrong.

It has been noted that some of the above can be acheived on a forced basis after having visited ones inlaws for a prolonged period of time.

Still, enlightenment, however it shows up is a blessing in disguise. Most times we missed it's arrival and it gets to germinate somewhere until what held it up breaks and we are hit with momentary confusion as the revelation can shatter the fragile foundation of our belief system. Not a walk in the park for some as the 'new' has naught but sharp edges and unfamilliar pathways....

I for one have been subject to frustration on a larger level than anticipated in regards to titor and the sharade that followed. It is almost like a recuring nighmare where one never quite wakes up from untill I decided to keep my own counsel and not move one iota in any direction as each new avenue cropped up and a bright shiney chunk of iron pyrite, (Read: Fools Gold) became disloged into the arena of discussion and speculation. Somewhat akin to a neverending review of Lucy hoodwinking Charlie Brown into once again believing that she will really hold the football to be kicked this time.

Quite the prescription for frustration and vexation don't you think?

Paul, your words are somewhat mirrored inside myself and I can understand your
stance one hundred percent. Illigitimate Non Carborundum Est my freind.

Reminded So much so, that a writing discovered over 400 years ago came to mind which I have not seen for over 30 years. Funny how the mind stores information like that, dormant until needed.


"Go placidly amid the noise and haste, & remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quitely & clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud & agressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain & bitter; for always there will be greater and lessor persons than yourself. Enjoy your acheivements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Excersise cation in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many people strive for high ideals; Be Yourself.

Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity & disenchantment it trancends time and space. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of Spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome disipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees & the stars; you have a right to be here. And wether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive God to be, and whatever your labors & aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep pace with your soul.
With all its shame, drudgery & broken dreams, its is still a beautiful world.

Be Careful. Take Care. Strive to be Happy."

Found in old St. Pauls Church in Baltimore circa 1692, author unknown.

Pretty amazing for over 400 years. Seems some things never change and lucky for us, Wisdom is timeless.

Paul, never forget that you are among friends, in the true sense of the word, here.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Paul, never forget that you are among friends, in the true sense of the word, here.

This post has been edited by StarLord: Yesterday, 11:11 PM

You make it very difficult to forget.

You waited two hours to edit it, and landed on 11:11-- deliberately?

Yr Pal,
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

No, just your typical southern cracker redneck wannabe legislator using dark grey ossified matter to cogitate with. You can tell that's happening because he looks like he's suffering from IBS each time the thinking process starts.

That's such a typical knee jerk reaction when folks down there do not understand something. They either want to burn it or hang it, either way they fear what they do not understand which is the saddest part.

I believe we just may have pinpointed the hemmoroid of the United States or very damn close to it.
