minuteman project and Waco type events thread


Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by StarLord@Aug 11 2004, 11:26 AM
Cary, I have to say that it is a pleasure reading your posts. If you were any more real we would have to make you run for president. I had a thought the other night about what would happen if it ever came to the bottom falling off the bag and hitting the fan. I speculated on how long it would take to make it to Baton Rouge. I thought about our happy family here all laying low at your farm waiting for the festivities to ensue. What better digs to learn how to shoot than on a farm. Who knows, you may some day name your place The Time Travel Farm. :D


Don't plan on coming to Baton Rouge. The city is big enough and the Petrochemical industry is vital enough that there would probably be federal troops and plenty of Homeland Security types all over the place. Not to mention a port that controls all traffic up and down the Miss. River. A farm somewhere in central La. would be a better place to hangout while all the bad stuff was going on. The farm I grew up on has a major interstate running through it, and was sold back in 1980 when the old man died. It's been subdivided and developed as residential neighborhoods. The house I grew up in has been turned into a bed and breakfast. But I like your idea. A farm with adequate housing, fresh water and farm-able land with a group of like minded people and "provisions" would be cool.


P.S. What really cracks me up is the banner ad at the top of this page (it's there now anyway) that sells "Ragin Cajun" memorabilia from my old alma mater. Somebody did a great sales job getting that ad. Kudos to the responsible party.


minuteman project and Waco type events thread

I don't know if I'm getting ready to post this in the wrong place . . .

Echos of JT . . . I found this interesting:
The website at GlobalResearch.ca has compiled a lot of evidence that the Bush administration is considering ways and means of canceling the upcoming Federal elections. Not only that, there is ample evidence presented to show that Al Qaeda is and always was a collaborative agent of the U.S. Government, and for all we know, still may be. We also know that the principal players in this administration called for a new \"Pearl Harbor - type event\" to start the war on terrorism and there is not reason to doubt that another such event may be used as a method for the Bushites to maintain hold on power, at least temporarily.

But there is more to consider. The Association for the Study of Peak Oil tells us that we may be at or very close to the Hubbert Peak of international oil production. There is great reason to believe that international chaos will ensue, not to mention total collapse of the economic, securities and political systems when the public realizes the realities of the age we are living in. And if and when the public decides to hold the politicians of both parties accountable, there could be revolution.

Certainly the leaders of both American political parties know about Peak Oil, including Kerry/Edwards, yet public discussion is off the table. For this reason, a new possibility emerges regarding maintenance of control of the nation by the status quo, which includes the wealthy, corporate elite of BOTH political parties. A terrorism event could be manufactured in which martial law is declared and maintained indefinitely. A fascinating possibility is that both political parties could work together to ensure maintenance of pseudo-democracy in America by a collaborative effort to maintain/share power without elections, without exercises of democracy by the American people. Martial law could be used to suppress the masses, to stifle the flow of information, to subdue American \"insurgency\".

Already, we know that the Project for the New American Century called for extending war to cyber-space, and it is well within reason to contemplate control over the entire Internet by military monitoring, with arrest of \"seditious\" speech by anyone at any time. The U.S. military, if it chose, working with the national intelligence services, could identify and suppress free speech on the Internet and make it virtually impossible for free speech, truth, and citizen action to undermine the police state that would be deemed necessary for the \"security\" of the nation.


Once America enters a period of martial law, which would be declared in the name of \"democracy\" and \"freedom\", we may NEVER get back true democracy and freedom for many years.

Think about it.

Emphasis mine.


Do we have a thread specifically to address signs that Jt's predictions are coming to pass?



minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by Hackimer@ Rob,Aug 11 2004, 08:22 PM
I think this is it Snow, great post.? Did you add the bold?

ya -I did - now I have noted that in the post - thanks


Edit: I wish I could remember to preview post :D'oh:


Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Hey Snow,

Great post on previous page. Pretty much sums up the way I see things. LOOK OUT! HERE COMES THE HS BLUE LIST! Our names are probably on it. See you on the prison trains or a FEMA internment camp.



Judge Bean

Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

There is a real note of fear developing here. What we need to do is step back and do a brief survey of our rights, and understand exactly what it is we are talking and fighting about. It does no good to survive anything (and even surviving modern life is quite a feat anyway) if your freedom is lost. Please take the time to review my short essays on endangered rights, posted in the Politics/Law section.


Senior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Good point Paul. As usual most sage advice. Ok, where the hell is my gun???


Junior Member
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Anyone else aware of Jose Padilla?
What was it that John said about people being arrested without due process?
