Monotonic gold


Monatomic (stupid autocorrect) Anyone know or even use this stuff? His valid are the claims if it being a superconductor and its ability to supercharge the brain and repair/restore and enhance bodily functions.
Monatomic usually refers to the ions or gases of single atom molecules, that is they are not "polyatomic" like CO2 which has carbon and oxygen. Common ones include H+, Li+, Na+.
One of the main benefits of gold is that it is highly, though not completely, un-reactive. That's why it doesn't tarnish. Pure solid Gold does not dissolve in your stomach or small intestine and it has no use as a dietary aide. Only soluble gold salts like, gold chloride AuCl, will dissolve in the body and, all of them I know of, are toxic to one degree or another. The toxicity is avoided by adding chelating agents to the mix but that would seem to defeat the purpose of taking a gold salt, unless it is only meant to be a placebo effect. It would therefore seem that the primary use of monatomic gold, as a dietary aide, is to separate the buyer from their money.

I used it a few times last decade. I prefer Bach flower essence but they are more for emotional conditions and not for magical spiritual purposes although some of the mental shifts flower essences help facilitate are quite nice.

I'm getting mixed reviews. Some are very strong proponents and others strongly advise against it. They all say that they do increase your spiritual awareness but opponents say it is fake and a deception from beings trapped at a vibration they can't get out of. I'm curious to try it.

Supporters say it is amazing.
