My daughter needs help


New Member
I need help. I have voices in my head that say they are psychics that are stuck, I was diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses and put on nearly all the medications and none work, even antidepressants wont work or aspirin. They can control my emotions my perception and my mind and can move my body around. Now my baby daughter is saying there names and I've only told 1 other person there names if anyone can help in any way I would greatly appreciate it.


New Member
1- Calm down. It may be hard to do it, for there are voices stuck in your head, butthe might also be what we call "thought forms", which means the more you think about them, the more they disturb you and make themselves present. Whenever you hear these things, try having a sip of coffe or tea.
2-what do you mean with your daughter says names? Does she guesses names of people which she had never seen, and gets it right? Or she is too young to speak but still says odd names?
3- Be calm. It may be hard to do so with so much burden, but this kind of things will fade away, eventually. Do not lose your mind if you take meds for two months straight, and your situation only improved a little. These voices will disappear, just be patient. Remember: The more stressful you get, the worse they become.
If anything happens, update u. You can always count on paranormalis communityy. I'd love to help.


New Member
She literally says the names of the voices in my head. As far as mental illness goes I have been told I have a myriad of completely different mental illnesses because they cannot figure out what is wrong. I don't think these voices are thought forms because they are predicting the future constantly and with accuracy.


Temporal Engineer
She literally says the names of the voices in my head. As far as mental illness goes I have been told I have a myriad of completely different mental illnesses because they cannot figure out what is wrong. I don't think these voices are thought forms because they are predicting the future constantly and with accuracy.

Maybe you need to look at it from a different viewpoint. Perhaps it's the gift of prophecy. You could use the gift to help others. Like posting the winning Powerball lottery numbers for tonight's draw.


New Member
Its not really a gift as they use it against me in my life. The day of the mass shooting in Las Vegas they said in the morning " I hope nobody gets shot today" later when I was watching the news and it happened they started laughing and the laughing was coming from all directions it was horrifying. I would love to know the winning lotto numbers but they hate me. Is there anyone on this site who has any kind of psychic gift that could help my daughter? That is what is most important to me.
Its not really a gift as they use it against me in my life. The day of the mass shooting in Las Vegas they said in the morning " I hope nobody gets shot today" later when I was watching the news and it happened they started laughing and the laughing was coming from all directions it was horrifying. I would love to know the winning lotto numbers but they hate me. Is there anyone on this site who has any kind of psychic gift that could help my daughter? That is what is most important to me.

@Jeremy87 - I'm not sure what's going on w/ you & your daughter but based on this quote alone I suspect "voice to skull technology" could be, being used on you.

Did your daughter also get that message on the day of the Vegas tragedy?
Do you and / or your daughter have any mental health diagnosis's? If so what are they?

Stay safe and try not to overthink these things too much.
Remember your safety, your daughters safety, and your freedom are always #1.
If you feel things are becoming too much to handle, communities exist where you can find help. Best of luck on your journey.


New Member
I need help. I have voices in my head that say they are psychics that are stuck, I was diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses and put on nearly all the medications and none work, even antidepressants wont work or aspirin. They can control my emotions my perception and my mind and can move my body around. Now my baby daughter is saying there names and I've only told 1 other person there names if anyone can help in any way I would greatly appreciate it.

I used to heard kids laughing around me after I pay a witch for a potion to attract women, she gave me a shampoo that I have to use daily for 4 weeks.

I didn't see anyone but I could hear loud voices of children laughing. I was confused. No one could heard it if I was with people.

After a week she told me that one of the main ingredients of the potion was kids bones of cemetery, she told me that the kids will help me to attract the women. Fuck no, I stop using the shampoo and I don't hear the voices anymore.

In my case it was the witch potion the cause.


New Member
If you know their names, re-arrange the letters, seeing what words come out. Letters and words seem to be codes which are usable as portals. Sometimes it gives them a chance to be different, because of the new thing you spell with the letters. I read a case in Sylvia Browne's book where she did that-and the entity went back 'home', because the letters in the words she said indicated that they could do that. The thing is, don't get too involved with it, because they delight in intellectual games. And games it is, mind games. Mages, Games, see? Do it at different times, the information will very according to the changing astrological movements and what happens in your life, and so on. Maybe changing your names? I dunno... I have been dealing with these for many years. Sometimes they do good things for me, but it's hard for me to understand their way of thinking. It is getting easier. The stars are also getting better...One thing is, it is good to extend your energy above your head higher, expand your envelope. The heart is very important, Keep the love there, even if you are energetically attacked, the love energy will protect you. Don't let the crown chakra be depressed- if you feel pressure on your head, do whatever it takes to raise the energy at the top of your head. Find the youtube videos which deal with these things, there are ones for angelic protection, old time Christian, New Age, also Rife frequencies, Theta, etc. Hypnosis for positivity, health, affirmation ones like Power Thoughts' channel, and so on. The thing about 'raising your vibration' used to seem optional but now it's like it's necessary. Lots of Love to you!!! And your daughter. She may be the one who handles it the best. Kids these days are Amazing.


Senior Member
I need help. I have voices in my head that say they are psychics that are stuck, I was diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses and put on nearly all the medications and none work, even antidepressants wont work or aspirin. They can control my emotions my perception and my mind and can move my body around. Now my baby daughter is saying there names and I've only told 1 other person there names if anyone can help in any way I would greatly appreciate it.

I also believe that V2K technology is being used against you, which also includes the many suicides of school children...
There is technology available to the public now that will create V2K situations...Take a look on the internet as to how you can eliminate that particular type of mental intrusion..
