My mother, my stepfather, the deceased.


THE member
This is a quick story, but one that shook my mother up pretty bad when it happened. We were living in Pensacola, Florida in 1994. To get to the store, we would drive up a long and relatively barren road. One night, my mother and stepfather went to the store to pick up some essentials. As they were driving, my mother exclaimed, "What was that?!". My stepfather startled almost swerved off the road quipping "what's the matter with you!".

My mother had seen what appeared to be a lady in all black stand by the side of the road. She said it only lasted an instant, but that instant felt like several minutes when she thinks back on it. She says she can remember them driving and she sees the figure off in the distance. It was night, and she remembers thinking it was dangerous to walk alongside the road and that the person should be careful.

One thing stood out, as they got closer the lights from the car didn't seem to light up the person. Instead, the lights seemed to go through it, and as she noticed this, the figure disappeared as the hood of the car reached the area the figure was standing. This frightened my mom, who then told my step father to slow down in case it was a bad omen. (She believes this stuff, he however did not.)

He complied and as they neared the store which wasn't too far off from the place she saw the figure, they came upon the intersection which they had to take a right. But at this intersection, numerous police cars and an ambulance were cleaning up after what appeared to be a bad wreck. This sent shivers down my mothers back, and she decided to go to the store the next day to get the paper to see if there were any news on the wreck.

Sure enough, a woman died when a truck ran a red light. My mother swears up and down that the figure she saw was the woman from the wreck. Ever since, my mother made sure to drive extra careful on the wreck, and double check before entering the intersection.


Senior Member
A soul departed, linger for a bit after a traumatic departure from the physical.

Jim Morrison also claimed to have seen what you have described.


THE member
I concur Mayhem. I was unaware Jim Morrison claimed to experience something similar. Reason I remember this instance so well is because my mother came home pretty freaked. As a kid, it in return freaked me out.

Freak Show

Active Member
some say the soul departs before impact to avoid the pain.. people have such a misunderstanding of our own interpretation of life and death. When in fact death of the body is just the next step, a lateral move to the next plain of existence.
