Confirmed Hoax My name is Henry Chatterton and I'm a time traveler.

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Junior Member
I agree with you but people have been brainwashed to act this way. And the world leaders here obviously like the nightmare and are also brainwashed into it. It's social engineering by secret societies and at a different level ET's.

Don't eat at mcdonalds man or you will be eating poison. Some of us have also been lodged away from our original worldline but with out the seemingly drastic time period differences. For example one of the worldliness I remember is where mcdonalds was always called macdonalds. It's happen to a lot of people.

By the way, it's not a real important question and I'm not saying this to be smart, I'm just curious but if you are not smoking tobacco in that pipe then what are you smoking? be carful what you smoke in this time period


Active Member
They only influenced so many people because they gave us what we wanted, infinite credit for tv's, entertainment, vacations, boats, new cars, endless options in anything you could want. Easier to control narcissists than people with integrity.

This is mainly why so many insiders are against full disclosure. The illuminati has convinced the public to adopt their values. America isn't North Korea. They don't force anything upon us without our permission.

How many ordinary good natured Americans flunk kids out of school as teachers. How many ordinary types are bankers that foreclose upon people? How many attorneys engage in unethical behavior? How many doctors march patient after patient to their easily cured deaths? A lot.

Remove the entire illuminati elite and all their minions, next day normal Americans take their spots. Impossible to eliminate. It's a grassroots phenomena.

The entire American society now rejects civil rights and common law. You get the government you deserve. It's a direct reflection if we like it or not.

That being said full disclosure if it was done orchestrated worldwide at the same time with a police action to remove all the crazy ones that would abuse the information for criminal gain then it would be a good idea.

Even Tesla himself didn't write a single equation to be released on the back of a napkin after his death. He offered his technology to the American and British governments not to the public. He knew how dangerous it is and would result in a new worldwide arms race. Gotta remember he passed at a very old age 83, no kids, wife, extended family. Nothing.
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Lord Henry

Ok. What did you think of my analysis of your system.

At the moment I'm in a homeless shelter having to share Internet access with vagabonds, drunks and ruffians. Or I would have furnished you with a full reply. Also I've just seen one rifling through my possessions.

Lord Henry

I have on me that came with me for the 1920s a leather bound notebook. That has kept in great detail the time the date and location of of every use of the Chronos Velocipede. My idea of returning home seems quite simple but is fraught with complications. Using some modern technology I have built a powerful portable radio transmitter. I initially was going to broadcast a cryptic message to my past self warning of the accident. What has stop me testing this idea, is what possibly could occur. Example, if my past self received the message and doesn't enter the potting shed on the stormy evening. Therefore the accident never occurring. What would happen to me at this present period of time. Would I simply just cease to exist and if so how would I be able to send the message back to myself. If I didn't exist in this time. It's a paradox and an unsettling one.
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Active Member
well some people have tried to do that a some years ago and send the message into the future instead of the past and they said the message would never been received.


Active Member
what would one have to do, to get you to upload a picture of the Chronos Velocipede. also i saw a article this week claiming that the Vatican has a Chronos Velocipede aswell and that's how the Vatican has stayed so well in shape

9th Wave

Junior Member
I have on me that came with me for the 1920s a leather bound notebook. That has kept in great detail the time the date and location of of every use of the Chronos Velocipede. My idea of returning home seems quite simple but is fraught with complications. Using some modern technology I have built a powerful portable radio transmitter. I initially was going to broadcast a cryptic message to my past self warning of the accident. What has stop me testing this idea, is what possibly could occur. Example, if my past self received the message and doesn't enter the potting shed on the stormy evening. Therefore the accident never occurring. What would happen to me at this present period of time. Would I simply just cease to exist and if so how would I be able to send the message back to myself. If I didn't exist in this time. It's a paradox and an unsettling one.
It wouldn't matter, this time frame of you existing wouldn't effect how you changed the alternate past.
This paradox could be a different version of you...


Being scammed is part of this research, you'll figure it out by comparing notes to your own research with enough work.

You have proof that we don't do that already?

Gotta remember guys the real time travelers are ULTRA sensitive to criticism, impatience, ridicule and crude behavior, they get it

So you know a lot of time travelers?
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