My Personal use of the Super HDR by Steven Gibbs and aided by SE-5 for Specific Instructions


New Member
What is all this? I believe I've just started my "initiation phase" within time travelling. What is the original HDR? Why am I so intrigued? I want to know all of this. :)

You are mystified from what sounds like a impossibility, if I shared what I use with the HDR you would be amazed! The original HDR and the HDR of 1995 are pretty much the same thing, little added here or there but all work the same. I used the HDR for twenty years and it always changes how I react to It, which is why I wanted to use the CHIO Remote Broadcaster to broadcast holographic chip with my Time Travel Protocol embedded into it and broadcast it 24/7 and only using the HDR for ten minutes each evening.
