My riddle for me


New Member
Playing in water so silver when it shines, accelerated to blur perception's lines.
Add to the greatest force that will hold, while it only grows to fit the new mold.
So with attraction to the point of resist but that created must then persist.
To disintegration or cavitation when the helix folds in, to arrive to not or perhaps before you begin.

Bold are those who choose, becoming that which what they lose.
Enigma is the thought of choice, have the illusion of freewill and rejoice.

Needing the shape to keep you from stray, assembled long before our present day.
Our Earth must be the point to return, mirror the helix like pyre meridian burn.
With a purpose to a point for five to have nine faces, before the whole for twelve so the self erases.

time (1) (<2,3,5,8,>13)= x (AU * 2 - ((PC / x) / 186282)
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