My Theory on EVPs


Junior Member
My theory on EVPs goes like this:

About a year ago, my paranormal group and I were called out to investigate a restaurant located in the old New Mexican West. Throughout the years, at that establishment, there were reported sightings and other ghostly phenomenon. Plus, Billy the Kid hung around there as well. There's even a gift shop around the corner with his image.

Back on point; we investigated the place for six hours and all of us experienced some sort of paranormal occurrence. One of us saw an actual presence walk from one place to another, and later finding out that it walked through a water fountain built into the wall. So, that was a cool experience.

Then the sounds started to make itself present. First they were clanks and bumps, then it sounded like talking. We all heard some sort of talking, coming from the kitchen. We had a high quality shotgun mic connected to one of the audio recorders from one end of the ball room facing the kitchen area. And we later found out that the voices were coming out about over a minute in length and at about 24 minute intervals every time the kitchen's ice maker would go off.

I guess the ice emitted a certain frequency which project out the EVPs and also disembodied voices, because we all heard people arguing from the kitchen and when we entered, we couldn't hear it.

After reviewing this and other investigations, there were certain sounds that "emitted" the EVPs. Now, you've got what psychologists call pareidolia which means people perceive either images or sounds that relate to us. Like we'll see a face in the clouds or a bird chirps that sounds like it said something; but what I'm relating, my theory, is that certain sounds create a frequency which breaks a barrier between our dimension and "their" dimension.

Let's say, you drop some silverware on the floor and it clanks really loud or a basketball bouncing, a bat hitting a baseball, a baby crying, someone's flatulence... :/ er, forget that last one. Well, some sort of hard sound that echoes and you had an audio recorder, you may just have caught a certain sound wave that captured this EVP anomaly. I'm not saying this is so with everything that makes a noise or a vibration, I'm theorizing it needs to be that certain frequency, that perfect one that we caught with the ice maker in the kitchen of the restaurant.

We're planning on going back, but what I would suggest to those interested in using this theory is go for it. Experiment with different sounds in locations that there is certain paranormal activity. Try that ice machine maker theory if you do investigate a restaurant.

Post those sounds and let's hear them. I think it would be a great experiment.
