My time line (a little more)


In 2019 a civilian working on experiments with a cathode ray tube(s) was having problems with heat, he discovered by accident that a byproduct of magnetism with the cathode ray tube created extreme cold temperatures which he went to a scientist and lawyer that bought out his byproduct that made funding of his experiments possible. 2023 guy was almost broke and a real scientist joined him on the project and dod started their funding, quick note, after the ice project wa bought, it also became a very public project by accident and there was no way to hide the project itself so it started being chronologically followed by many people. 2027 YouTube live notified half its users as the go pro silver line sound and movement started to live stream activity in the experiment room 4. Energy buildup finally started to produce outrageously fast speeds inside the ball and crazy light started to appear which made chats rooms go crazy, YouTube live chat shut down and about all anyone could do is watch the video stream (another side note, there was a deal done in 2021 in which you pretty much can't do shit online without it being brought up if you generate enough buzz) also usually I wouldn't be able to remember a third of these events were they not so damn public, I can't even remember half the shit I did yesterday. And notifications at that point were organized by the user by relevance and importance, and if it was important enough then you would be prompted to let the system turn somethings on automatically, it's actually quite efficient as apps started becoming a problem because of how easy it was to make them that they started flooding the markets. It was quite a serious problem. We called it cloud trash. Also sorry to disappoint you but interstellar travel is technically possible, it's speeds are crazy fast but only 7.8 percent at speed of light, also these systems are made and owned but mining corporations which are making trillions of dollars a year believe it or not, so whoever made stock investments in them early are now rich just sitting on their ass. Btw nasa made these deals with these corporations which made the debt deficit of the states to be greatly reduced to almost nothing in 2026-2032. Eurpean union is gone, European federation is its replacement, the difference? Military power and almost no borders left, it's almost like crossing borders between states here. VR tech is revolutionized after user made content is made possible by a small software company makes this possible, VR went kinda flat and sour for a year or two in 16-17 maybe to 23 some say (popular opinion)


Senior Member
Im not happy about the EU becoming a European Federation, although the Nazi`s did say at the end of World War 2 that they would soon be ruling Europe in a different way..Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany..Jean Claude Juncker, president of the EU...these are but two people in the Nazi`s 4th Reich control over Europe...Damn it im gonna vote that the UK leave the EU...thanks for the time-travel warning Chocomil, im starting my "Brexit" move from the EU right now!! lol ::LOL:::cool::D

walt willis

Senior Member
Back in the 1960s we had a device that could travel at .8 speed of light.
I wonder where we are today with the higher technology we must have?
