Mysteries and secrets of Reincarnation

Max X

Junior Member
Mysteries and secrets of Reincarnation

Is it true planet Earth is one of the best schools of learning on the Galaxy?

According to new discoveries we, and those we call family, acquaintances and relatives, have agreed before birth to generate certain difficult situations to accelerate the emotional and spiritual progression of those who need to learn specific lessons on this school called planet Earth.

Some people have been, via contact with their higher self through the means of hypnosis, analyzed for the purpose of reaching additional knowledge regarding the emotional lessons that were planned ahead with and for that personality just before reincarnation.

The person's higher self, also known as oversoul, then reveals secrets regarding the actual pre-birth plans agreed among the personality, its higher self, and other key people involved with that specific personality hoping adversity will aid in the learning process leading to a higher level of emotional progression.

The evidence also shows that some psychics can look into the Askashic records to explore the pre-birth plan for that specific person. Yet pain and fear are not necessarily the only methods of growth, the fact is that more advanced souls are able to emotionally and spiritually grow through joy, and through love.

Looking at the phenomena of adversity (which might includes death of a love one, divorces, accidents, poverty, sickness, separation, deformities, economic failure, mental illness, etc) from that point of view then we must conclude that the maliciousness of the dark forces (By now you know who they are) on this planet, and their puppets, are actually contributing to accelerate the gradual ascension of the human race which begins in 2012.

Re: Mysteries and secrets of Reincarnation

Isnt this another way of saying that we all have souls that transend time and space? The 2012 thing..are u talking about the Mayan thing or what?

Re: Mysteries and secrets of Reincarnation

the human soul journey on earth is as non stop as the perpetual addition of tax impose unto us by the man , our soul is a gift from god and he say when its time to come home
