

Junior Member
Always hard to introduce yourself...I think so anyway.

I'm from the chilly Northern USA. Seriously considering moving south after this winter. Brrrrrr

I'm a business owner in my small town. Recently started to acquire antiques to sell on my retail floor. I have so much square foot that I thought I would expand into something else on top of the 2 other ventures I own...kind of a one stop shop...

Anyway, reason for even finding this forum is that ever since I did this with the antiques some weird stuff has happened in this store.... thought this would be a good forum to explore!

If I see other topics I want to participate in then I consider that a bonus.

Looking forward to meeting you!
Hello and welcome! I'm glad you found us and decided to say hi. :)

See you on the boards!

welcome...we are here to make sense of the weird world we live in but I think we need your help.

Thank you for the welcome! I think I'll stick around.

I agree it is a weird world, I will try to help figure it out...even though it mostly has me walking around stymied.
