Confirmed Hoax Noah_A_S : Time Traveler with Memory Loss?

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The Persuasionist

Junior Member
It sounds like you are trying to get Noah to pay attention to you. Is that a way to get inside his head? A way to manipulate him? We know that Walker and Mullac have tried this many times... A pattern, it would seem.
Oh, I'm sorry if it came across that way! I was just trying to engage Noah in conversation and maybe share some insights with him. I didn't mean to manipulate him or get inside his head. I definitely don't want to be compared to Walker and Mullac whomever they are? (perhaps someone can explain their story to me) I just thought it was a harmless exchange of ideas. Thank you for bringing it to my attention though, I'll be more mindful of how I communicate in the future.


Oh, I'm sorry if it came across that way! I was just trying to engage Noah in conversation and maybe share some insights with him. I didn't mean to manipulate him or get inside his head. I definitely don't want to be compared to Walker and Mullac whomever they are? (perhaps someone can explain their story to me) I just thought it was a harmless exchange of ideas. Thank you for bringing it to my attention though, I'll be more mindful of how I communicate in the future.

There have been a lot of time travel imposters on this site, so many of us are weary and cautious.


Oh my goodness, forum friends! I just heard through a very reliable source, whose name shall remain a mystery for fear of reprisals, that our friend Noah is considering some wild electric convolution treatment! Can you believe it?

Apparently, he's hoping it'll help him consolidate his memories and even recover some lost ones. Talk about extreme measures! I guess we should all be on standby for some electrifying updates from hims.

Who knew memory consolidation could be so shocking? No pun intended!

@Noah_A_S What is the truth? Are you from another time? Is your first name really Leopold? Can you tell me the winner of this year's Derby, please don't say it's a horse.
I do not know you. I do not have memory loss. That is not a real raygun. You are the one 'spinning a delightful yarn'.


Do you think this guy is Walker?
I think he speaks too eloquently to be walker.

Mullac told me about this post. I was gone all day today at a doctor's appointment with a new psychiatrist.

I do not know you. I do not have memory loss. That is not a real raygun. This person is the one 'spinning a delightful yarn'.

Edit: The Raygun in question is from a comic book, by Dark Horse Comics called Dr. Grordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators (Dr. Grordborts Invaders)

The comic was turned into a video game, which launched on a product called Magic Leap One: Creator Edition. (Magic Leap One has since stopped being sold and is now obsoleted by Magic Leap 2, a product which has already come out, for the enterprise market.)

The raygun was a prop and was also featured in a video game called Team Fortress II.

The Comic: Dr. Grordbort Presents: Victory :: Profile :: Dark Horse Comics
The Game: Dr Grordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators - Where Science Meets Violence
The (prop) Raygun: THE RIGHTEOUS BISON


This is also The Original Magic Leap Concept Video for their Augmented Reality/Spatial Computing Platform:

And Magic Leap's Official Website: AR for Business | Augmented Reality

Edit: You can also see the 'raygun' in question and others.

The person who took the photo of myself that I use sculpted it, at WETA Workshop, a special effects company and prop house based out of New Zealand that has done work on movies like Avatar: The Way of Water, The Lord of the Rings, Rise of the planet of the apes, and more.

The man who sculpted the prop took my photo. He works there. His name is Greg Broadmore.
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The Persuasionist

Junior Member
The raygun was a prop and was also featured in a video game called Team Fortress II.

I deeply value your insight on this topic. It appears that there may have been some confusion regarding the origins of the ray gun. Your detailed explanation has provided clarity on its background and its connections to popular media such as the Dr. Grordbort's comic and the Team Fortress II game. Thank you for sharing this enlightening information with me.

As for the individuals Mullac and Walker, I regret to say that I am not familiar with them, and I can affirm that I am not the Walker to whom you are referring. My knowledge of your status as a time traveller did not come from them but from a separate source.

Upon conducting initial research on the Skidmark boys, I have found their stories to be fascinating. A search of their names across various forums has revealed a wealth of material that would captivate any creative writer. Both individuals exhibit remarkable creativity, with their stories or if you prefer nonsense often revolving around the UK town of Derby.
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