Non-collapsing wave function

Take your death wish somewhere else.

This force also happens to be the "glue" that makes you possible. Without it, everything is quantum soup.

You didnt quote the last part of my paragraph, mentioning the electromagnetic field around the ship, that must of "glued" the ship and its occupants together, so stick that in ya pipe and smoke it me Hartey...oooh arrrh :p:D
Because it is contradictory.

An electromagnetic field doesn't eliminate electromagnetism.

The high energy EM wave circulating the ship would have over-ridden the earths electromagnetism within that area
You didnt quote the last part of my paragraph, mentioning the electromagnetic field around the ship, that must of "glued" the ship and its occupants together, so stick that in ya pipe and smoke it me Hartey...oooh arrrh :p:D
Because it is contradictory.

An electromagnetic field doesn't eliminate electromagnetism.

The high energy EM wave circulating the ship would have over-ridden the earths electromagnetism within that area
The two fields would interact, just like any two magnetic fields.

IOW, no "elimination" of any EM field occurs.

