Not Another Art Bell Imposter


Senior Member
☀️ Zenith
Not Another Art Bell Imposter

Well, this guy's been getting a little personal in his debate in the Titor topic in "Featured Threads". I posted once in the thread asking everyone to keep it civilized, but they kinda ignored me ;) I've sent him this PM:

Hey there,

I've been reading your posts and I'm getting a little worried about the attitude you're taking towards many of our veteran members. I know everyone has an opinion, and you're doing an excellent job in debating the Titor thread, but I need to ask you to tone down the comments meant to elicit \"panties in a bunch\" responses.

You couldn't possibly be aware of it, but this forum just recovered from a huge drama involving many of the staff and a about as many members who subsequently left. While they were here, there was nothing but flaming and personal attacks. This past month since they've been gone has be AWESOME because no one has had to read flaming comments or deragatory remarks. The forum has come back to life again because of people like MudPuppy, Zeo and VirtualGirl. Please let that trend continue.

I'm not saying you can't speak your mind, I'd just prefer it if you did it in a way that's polite and won't lead to insulting posts. You'll kill more flies with honey ;)

Thanks for listening

Brent Hegnauer
Paranormal Network Handyman/Admin
Re: Not Another Art Bell Imposter

He replied in a polite manner saying that he'd try to tone it down on the cutting remarks ;)
