Numenorean7 Congratulations for an excellent webiste and forum


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
Numenorean7 Congratulations for an excellent webiste and forum

I would just like to state , while im still here a congradulation to
Numenorean7 wich his the website owner
he made this webiste more lively and more attractive than most others forum ive been too
3 cheers for yuor hard work and all the labour on restoring Paranormalis to a new and improve image and thank for introducing me to some of
my best web friend now that i have them because of the paranormalis
cheers and lets hope it will long and prosper
Dr z

Re: Numenorean7 Congratulation for an excellent webiste and forum

Thank you very much Doc, this is extremely appreciated. :)

I've been working a lot on Paranormalis in the last few weeks to improve, and like you said, to restore it. This site has a rich history made of positive and negative chapters, but the main goal of all this work I've done is to give Paranormalis the chance to be what it once was, years ago when it was called The Paranormal Network. There were tons of daily posts, there were tons of active members posting and visiting on a daily basis.

What we're missing as of now is a bunch of active members to bring the forums back to life once again. You are very welcome to invite your friends to discuss on our forums, and to be a part of our community.

Cheers Doc !


Re: Numenorean7 Congratulations for an excellent webiste and forum

No problem me and cmac will try to be more omnipresent more often ,

Re: Numenorean7 Congratulations for an excellent webiste and forum

Thanks you Numenorean7. You effort is extremely appreciated. Paranormalis will become the best paranormal website! ;-)
