THinkharder is my alternate internet name
Numenorean7 Congratulations for an excellent webiste and forum
I would just like to state , while im still here a congradulation to
Numenorean7 wich his the website owner
he made this webiste more lively and more attractive than most others forum ive been too
3 cheers for yuor hard work and all the labour on restoring Paranormalis to a new and improve image and thank for introducing me to some of
my best web friend now that i have them because of the paranormalis
cheers and lets hope it will long and prosper
Dr z
I would just like to state , while im still here a congradulation to
Numenorean7 wich his the website owner
he made this webiste more lively and more attractive than most others forum ive been too
3 cheers for yuor hard work and all the labour on restoring Paranormalis to a new and improve image and thank for introducing me to some of
my best web friend now that i have them because of the paranormalis
cheers and lets hope it will long and prosper
Dr z