Obama: Last President of America Prophecy


Time Travel Professor
Obama: Last President of America Prophecy

There will be no more presidents of the United States of America as we know it.

It has been pointed out that Israel and Judah had 44 successions to king. America has had 44 presidents. Consider that, if history repeats itself, how much time does America have? Note that I include David twice. David's reign was interrupted by the coup of Absalom. Likewise, the American presidency has had a president who served non-consecutive terms as the chief executive.

I know of three Americans who received visions & dreams in which a warning of a last American President is given. I relate my own dream in the video below.

The others' dreams are:

J.R. Nyquist: "In closing, I will outrage the skeptics further by mentioning a dream I experienced 23 years ago. In the dream I saw the future presidents of the United States. Their portraits were lined side by side from left to right. The first in order was Ronald Reagan who had just been elected. The second was George H. W. Bush. The next two faces I did not recognize. An old man was present in the dream and I turned to him. Where are the others? I asked, wanting to see the rest of the future presidents. There are no others, he replied. After these the Republic ends."

(Note: The last leader of Judah was a puppet emplaced by the king of Babylon. The dream of J.R. Nyquist showed only two presidents after George Bush, Sr. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush filled those slots. The evidence that Obama is not an official president is overwhelming.)

Visions of C. Alan Martin (It took a few decades of dreams to teach him this:)
Link to Martin's dream with a sketch.

If you are not right with the Lord, you do not have time to spare! Seek the Lord immediately.

Update on Nov 24th: The link to the C. Alan Martin link is now dead. That page has been available for at least 3 years since I found it. Update July 31, 2011: I've corrected the above link to provide the archived version provided by Alex in the comments.

Here is another link to the C. Alan Martin dreams, which correctly foresaw 10 presidents:


I copied this from Internet archives. I want to be sure it remains available.
Source: C. Alan Martin, 1971

Military Spook Predicted every President after 1979

I transcribed the final comments of military security sniper, "Lieutenant Colonel SC" (Greg Rinchich) from an interview on EXS radio. You can hear these comments starting at
In 1979, I told my mother who all the presidents were going to be up to George Bush, Junior. And, they all happened. I told her we wouldn’t have a president after that, and we don’t. He’s not a legitimate president, not a president. And I told them by name and year. My mother hit the floor when Clinton went, because I told her about him, too.
  1. Jimmy Carter (president in 1979)
  2. Ronald Reagan
  3. George Bush
  4. Bill Clinton
  5. George Bush, Jr.
LtCol SC continued:

But, it was scripted and your vote does not count. Your vote doesn’t matter. It’s who they want and who’s in the elite gang. Who’s in the elite bloodlines: the Bilderbergs, the Kennedys and all that. You have to be in that blood line to make, or you ain’t gonna make it.

9-year old Girl Dreams Obama Last President of America for 50 Years

This dream was posted in the comments:

My 9 year old stunned me by stating that she had a dream that Obama was the last president that we had in 50 yrs. She stated that she was an old woman and I was very old- and that America did not have a President in 5o years. So I asked her why the # 50? and she said thats what was on the television at that time and that they kept repeating it in her dream, then she woke up! It took her a long while to tell me the dream, she say's she doesnt like to tell her dreams cuz then they will come true... (posted by Sassy922, a hubpages author)

Law Student Dreams about Obama 7 Years before he's Elected

I copied this from the comments on a Youtube video:

I dreamed that I was walking into a concentration camp with a man in a white robe, I was also wearing a white robe. Mant people were in cages. They were moaning with pain and hunger. We walked into a tunnel, I saw the barbed wired fence about 7 feet tall. I heard the people yelling with fear and dread "Obama," over and over. I had NEVER heard of that name before. 7 years later he became the President. (Lawstudentgirl1)

Obama Last President, then Storm

This is a link to a dream from July 1st, 2009: Obama Last President, then Storm.

The dream shows a sketch of a rod seen in a dream. There are three rings. The first two, solid and unmoving, represent Clinton and Bush. The third is pulsing and moving like a living thing. Then, at a position further down the rod, there is a large storm encapsulating the rod. No explanation was given in the dream.

If the space between the rings representing the three presidents is used as a scale, the storm is (as best I recall, so this is a very rough approximation) at least two intervals away. That is, slightly more than 16 years.

However, using the same scaling, the storm will also last at least two decades.
Use the above link to see a sketch of the dream image.

Last U.S. President Prophecy: Obama,

The Link: Obama: Last President of America Prophecy


Time Travel Professor
In 2012. Last President, Last Pope, Ariel Sharon Prophecy. Messiah Revealed.



Senior Member
It's funny you bring this up, in one of my blogs i spoke of a Dream i had where a Leader was Assassinated, as far as i know the dream has not came true.....yet......i remember it was at a gathering and the podium was near what seemed to be a octagon field or driveway and half way throguh the speech he got shot.


Senior Member


this topic and thread are very timely.. I feel very strongly, that the current pres. has every intention of collapsing the whole economy, and declare martial law. staying in power to preside over the final days of America. he has brought to the very brink of it now, even as most of europe is about to go belly up now. I never thought I would see the day this country died. it seems I will though


Senior Member
this topic and thread are very timely.. I feel very strongly, that the current pres. has every intention of collapsing the whole economy, and declare martial law. staying in power to preside over the final days of America. he has brought to the very brink of it now, even as most of europe is about to go belly up now. I never thought I would see the day this country died. it seems I will though
You are so very correct with your statement...thus the like, not that I like what is happening. We all are being run off the Fiscal Cliff.


it do seem to be the plan don't it??? my biggest fear is that when it does people will freak and start to riot giving the goons just the reason they are looking for to send in the for foreign peace keeping troops to slaughter any and all who dare to say no.


Time Travel Professor
There is a number of states that have talked about succeeding from the United States Government. In the event, over half of the 50 states choose this route of exiting the USA as we know it. Obama could very easily be the last president. And this is food for thought!!
