Of Darkweb and Torrents


I have been in the torrent world longer since limewire introduced me to it. Luckily, some of the torrents were still here at TPB.

But for old time’s sake, I got back on darkweb and it changed from all clandestine sites to the rapidly changing lists of some sites being hijacked by some government officials to those being allowed on my tor browser.

My suggestion is to not buy anything from those websites unless you need them or being really careful. Otherwise don’t touch those sites with a 22 foot pole even.


Junior Member
Isn't torrenting over the darkweb considered a major faux pas? I understand that it eats up the bandwidth quite a lot.

I've played around with the darkweb before. It seems a lot less fun now. Back when there was lots of free and easy hosting you saw quite a lot of oddball sites. I guess most of those providers either got shut down because people were using it for illegal activities, or they were too afraid of being shut down for the same reason and then they quit. Guess it's just drugs now.


I have been in the torrent world longer since limewire introduced me to it. Luckily, some of the torrents were still here at TPB.

But for old time’s sake, I got back on darkweb and it changed from all clandestine sites to the rapidly changing lists of some sites being hijacked by some government officials to those being allowed on my tor browser.

My suggestion is to not buy anything from those websites unless you need them or being really careful. Otherwise don’t touch those sites with a 22 foot pole even.

I never understood why there were so many fake torrent links, hidden links, click bait and porn involved with these things. It got to the point where it just wasn't worth the hassle anymore.


Yes and I am at Just Another Library on the dark web. It’s interesting how they hide these gems in the hidden wiki pages when people are going there looking for porn, drugs, and get caught.
