Ok here is something weird


Junior Member
Ok here is something weird

I have been away from the bored for a while. And I have been thinking about some things, I wanna make this post as short and sweet as possible so here I go.
Electrons exist in an atom as a cloud, if you fidn the exact point aroudn the atom that the electron is then you cannot know how much energy it has, but if you do not measure where in the atom it is then you know how much energy it has. Also once the electrons possition is found it becomes unstable. So this "electron cloud" is actualy an infanit number of paralell universes over lapping. once you measure where the electron is then the universes stop over lapping and the cloud vanishes, leaveing behind an unstable electron.
to save time I wont go into much more detail, and I will skip to my point.
Because every electron in my body is in this cloud state(causing a bluring of realities) that means that each of my atoms exist in an infanit number of realities. So why is it that I can only pay attention to this one? shouldent we all be able to jsut focus on some other reality? all of our parts are already there, so why can we not look there?


Re: Ok here is something weird

Actually you can focus on other realities. Thats what astral projection is all about.


Re: Ok here is something weird

acheving focus is what is hard..


Re: Ok here is something weird

You dont really have to focus too much. It's supposed to be nice and smooth. Not stressed or tensed.

Lay down, relax, take 50 deep breaths where you hold the air in as long you can, then exhale completely and hold your lounges empty as long you are able to, and repeat.
At each exhale feel your body being more relaxed, tensions going away, nice and comfortable relaxation spreading through your body. For each time you exhale think for yourself "I am now out of body" while same time imagining floating up in the air. Like you are getting more and more loose from your body each time you exhale.

When you've reached 50 just relax and lay there thinking about floating on water, gentle waves, and try to imagine how that would feel. Like your body is swaying alittle. Try if you can to make this feeling stronger and spread through your body, if not dont worry just relax. Imagine you are floating up in the air a meter or two above your body, right under the roof perhaps. Try to feel how it would be to be in that position, floating there in the air.

You may feel strange sensations, like a numbness throughout your body. Just flow with it, and keep thinking that you are floating outside your body up in the air. "I am now out of body".

You should try it when you are relaxed and in a calm state of mind, not too tired. Best times are in the morning just when you wake up, or in middle of day/evening.

I suggest trying this every day, or at least a couple times a week to achieve it faster.

If you have tried this regulary for 4 weeks and had NO success, not ANY sensations or floating feelings or other things out of the normal, I suggest you try some other methods where you also try every day for 4 weeks until you find one that works.

suggested sites with methods:


Senior Member
Re: Ok here is something weird

Once something can be concieved, it has substance and has a reality. Once you place your Attention on something, because you believe it to be of substance or real, it can be experienced. The Attention is the vehicle....


Junior Member
Re: Ok here is something weird

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
Once something can be concieved, it has substance and has a reality. Once you place your Attention on something, because you believe it to be of substance or real, it can be experienced. The Attention is the vehicle....[/b]

This is so true and I have heard it repeated to those who are trying astral projection and other methods.


New Member
Re: Ok here is something weird

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"darkbreed\")</div>
You dont really have to focus too much. It's supposed to be nice and smooth. Not stressed or tensed.

Lay down, relax, take 50 deep breaths where you hold the air in as long you can, then exhale completely and hold your lounges empty as long you are able to, and repeat.
At each exhale feel your body being more relaxed, tensions going away, nice and comfortable relaxation spreading through your body. For each time you exhale think for yourself \"I am now out of body\" while same time imagining floating up in the air. Like you are getting more and more loose from your body each time you exhale.

When you've reached 50 just relax and lay there thinking about floating on water, gentle waves, and try to imagine how that would feel. Like your body is swaying alittle. Try if you can to make this feeling stronger and spread through your body, if not dont worry just relax. Imagine you are floating up in the air a meter or two above your body, right under the roof perhaps. Try to feel how it would be to be in that position, floating there in the air.

You may feel strange sensations, like a numbness throughout your body. Just flow with it, and keep thinking that you are floating outside your body up in the air. \"I am now out of body\".

You should try it when you are relaxed and in a calm state of mind, not too tired. Best times are in the morning just when you wake up, or in middle of day/evening.

I suggest trying this every day, or at least a couple times a week to achieve it faster.

If you have tried this regulary for 4 weeks and had NO success, not ANY sensations or floating feelings or other things out of the normal, I suggest you try some other methods where you also try every day for 4 weeks until you find one that works.

suggested sites with methods:

I got to get around to doing this eventually. One Question though.... If i did your sugestion for 4 weeks for 10 minuts a day what are the chances for astral projection?


Senior Member
Re: Ok here is something weird

Very much the same as attempting to lift 350 lbs. While you may not be able to do that the first time, by the use of a excercise program, continued until the muscles that are used to perform this task are prepared to do so, eventually you will be able to do so.

You get eaxctly back, what you put into it. The resulst are right in front of you. This works with anything. Steady and consistent effort in any direction will produce results.

This isn't a race, not all of us are the same. Just take your time.
