OMG What happened?


Junior Member
OMG What happened?

I thought the forum up and died, and I guess in a way it did since I had to re-register and all. Anyway good to see the forum back.
I was going to post in the hoax section about the post-energy TT guy bit it wouldn't let me for some reason.
Just the other day on the local news they said that Laclede Gas was raising the price roughly $50 a month avg household because of natural gas shortages.
Not to say the guy is a TT but he did say Natural gas would be one of the first to go. Hmm...
Anyway - good to be back.
OMG What happened?


Absolutely awesome that you're here, and welcome to the plantation. Actually the old did dry up and blow away. Gavin, the owner of the old board, turned into a raging asshole and the place imploded. This is a brand new board I don't know if you remember Satan from the old board, but he's the guy who took the initiative to start a new board when Gavin was MIA for months so that some decisions could be made about how to run the place. It was never intended to shut down the old board. Suddenly Gavin appears, goes balastic, and starts banning people all over the place. So this place has grown and here we are. Satan has changed his name to John here. He's been just awesome in handling things here. He's also got a super admin and moderator staff. No asshole/Rick Donaldson types trying to slap members around if they have a different opinion. New owner AND new management. Yeeha.

For those of you not familiar with smokeringhalo, I've been watching his posts at the old board and anomalies since I got into all this cyber "stuff" over a year ago. I personally am thrilled he's here. The man should be an awesome contribution to the communit. Again, welcome smokeringhalo.


OMG What happened?

Welcome man. I half-way remember your posts from the old site, but I was only ever a lurker there. Didn't like how the place was run so I stayed away ;)

Glad to see you made it over, I'm looking forward to reading your stuff again.

OMG What happened?

Thx guys!
Yeah, I hate to lose all those old posts. There was some good stuff in there.
I popped in from time to time and one day the forum just wouldn't load.
I had no idea Gavin went berzerk. Maybe he just went on vacation, came back and was like wtf - lol.
Anyone know what happened to Phoenix?
(Sigh) - I need an avatar now.
Anyways - thanks again and if anyone builds a time machine, my pet prairie dog "Monkey" wants to give it a try.
OMG What happened?

Welcome Halo.

Phoenix banned himself after a big scandal here, mostly in the Chat arena. I for one would like to see him back.
OMG What happened?

Well, Paul. I'm glad as hell that his ass was sent packing.

I had less than a plesurable experience with Pheonix. :dry:
