Ouija Board Experience


I first messed with a Ouija board back in October 2010. The strange thing is, it wasn't a physical copy of one, but instead a digital version online. What I did was type in my username on the board and before I clicked yes, my Mom walked into the room and was shocked. She told me not to use the board since it is dangerous. So I stopped using it. The next night or so, my computer started making a bunch of weird clicking noises at 3:00 AM. These were very loud and my computer had never done this before. This computer was an old Windows XP computer, but it never did this. A short time after, I was waken up at 3:00 AM by the clicking noises and felt a presence in my room. I started moving in my bed and telling it to stop, whatever this was. After being quiet and still, it would continue on. I got to the point where this was freaking me out so much, that I decided to run to my light switch, turn it on, lock my door, and went to sleep with the lights on. The noises didn't continue that night, nor anything else. Another night, my light switch flickered on, then off. This continued on... I then caught bronchitis on that morning, and I had it for a few weeks. I was only 12 years old when this happened, so it was unusual. Same old happened until January 2011, which one night, I was awaken at 1:00 AM by a demonic growl. I was very scared now. I would even hear faint voices saying help and such. This all lasted up until June 4, 2011, where my old computer suddenly died. We got rid of it, and all the paranormal activity stopped. I was happy since I dreaded to go to sleep at night.

It's strange how these noises always started at 3:00 AM and ended at 4:00 AM. I found out later on that 3:00 AM is the evil hour.

Snake Plissken

I believe..
Let that be a lesson to you.

Don't mess. Some people think they are being clever, think they are talking to 'good' entities. The truth is you have no idea who you are letting in your home through the board and no prayers in the world will stop them once the door is opened.


That's an interesting story, especially since it stopped when you got rid of the computer. It really doesn't sound like something a virus or spyware could do. Such malware don't usually need with your computer when it's off.

Something that makes me curious is that you didn't even get to ask a question. Was the spirit able to make it to our realm by just initiating the communication? Maybe.


Junior Member
I can't help but stress how dangerous it is to mess with the Ouija, even using it with the proper techniques still puts you at risk. It's extremely easy to come into contact with a demonic or a negative non human entity because if you are a complete novice they will see you as a prime target, you are allowing a direct channel with whatever decides to accept your invite. Even those digital versions act as a valid tool because it's still a medium of contact. The reason 3am is so active in hauntings and infestations is because (1) The 3 is a mocking of the trinity (2) In the AM's the veil between our world and other dimensions is a lot more accessible. That's not to say all activity between those hours is negative, it's not and many positive after death communication comes through between those hours. What you are describing is the early stages of infestation, they or it will affect your environment in a way to cause fear, it feeds directly on that fear and if given enough of an opening will try to form an attachment. It might sound funny to some people but because the computer was the initial medium of communication there is a good chance that the object itself was the attachment, people usually assume only dolls and the like can become haunted or cursed because traditionally dolls did serve as vessels but really anything can be.

It might even be the fact that you put out the intention to contact something regardless of the tool, often just talking about of acknowledging such things can trigger certain occurrences. I study a lot of demonology and voodoo, just knowing the names of certain deities and entities can be enough of an invite, words and thoughts are power so when it comes to the spirit world it's never black and white and like Plissken said they will lie if it serves a means. It honestly sounds like you got away light, there are so many negative things that can happen when you open certain channels, possession and insanity being high up on the list but again by getting rid of that computer you may have severed the connection. I always wonder if those companies that put out digital spirit boards and "toy" boards really understand what kind of problems they may have caused, at the end of the day it's probably all about profits.


Hopefully this has all stopped for you by now, some of the cases i've handled that involved the ouija (or other forms of spiritual connection) went on for years for some people before they sought help.

It doesn't matter what form is used, all these things(devices-stones-candles-boards-pendulums...etc.) If there is something there hearing whomever is using any of these media, a door can be opened quite unwittingly. It doesn't matter where, a door is a door.

Like SP said, "Don't Mess."
Which is always good advice.
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I can't help but stress how dangerous it is to mess with the Ouija, even using it with the proper techniques still puts you at risk. It's extremely easy to come into contact with a demonic or a negative non human entity because if you are a complete novice they will see you as a prime target, you are allowing a direct channel with whatever decides to accept your invite. Even those digital versions act as a valid tool because it's still a medium of contact. The reason 3am is so active in hauntings and infestations is because (1) The 3 is a mocking of the trinity (2) In the AM's the veil between our world and other dimensions is a lot more accessible. That's not to say all activity between those hours is negative, it's not and many positive after death communication comes through between those hours. What you are describing is the early stages of infestation, they or it will affect your environment in a way to cause fear, it feeds directly on that fear and if given enough of an opening will try to form an attachment. It might sound funny to some people but because the computer was the initial medium of communication there is a good chance that the object itself was the attachment, people usually assume only dolls and the like can become haunted or cursed because traditionally dolls did serve as vessels but really anything can be.

It might even be the fact that you put out the intention to contact something regardless of the tool, often just talking about of acknowledging such things can trigger certain occurrences. I study a lot of demonology and voodoo, just knowing the names of certain deities and entities can be enough of an invite, words and thoughts are power so when it comes to the spirit world it's never black and white and like Plissken said they will lie if it serves a means. It honestly sounds like you got away light, there are so many negative things that can happen when you open certain channels, possession and insanity being high up on the list but again by getting rid of that computer you may have severed the connection. I always wonder if those companies that put out digital spirit boards and "toy" boards really understand what kind of problems they may have caused, at the end of the day it's probably all about profits.

Profits and possibly disbelief perhaps. For some, it's just a game...unfortunately.


Junior Member
I've been having paranormal experiences since 2005. The scariest one so far was Tails Doll curse.
I always thought the Tails curse was an odd one, I can't say I know anyone that was affected by it though. Curses like that always remind me of The Crying Boy Curse. I'm a big believer in curses and have no doubt they do work, I just find mass produced curses a little hard to get my head around especially when so much work is done to debunk them.


I've been having paranormal experiences since 2005. The scariest one so far was Tails Doll curse.
I always thought the Tails curse was an odd one, I can't say I know anyone that was affected by it though. Curses like that always remind me of The Crying Boy Curse. I'm a big believer in curses and have no doubt they do work, I just find mass produced curses a little hard to get my head around especially when so much work is done to debunk them.
I would not recommend you or anyone do this, I was 12 years old and very frightened. I still wish I got a video recording of it that night.

Poison Pen

Best advice for anyone reading this thread is to remember that the Ouija is not a game! Portals can be opened that are hard to close.
