Palin's email account hacked! (PHOTOS)


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Palin's email account hacked! (PHOTOS)

I found this through Digg today... Strange that's she's using a damn Yahoo account for governmental/political affairs. I've attached the photos included from the article as I'm not convinced those will stay up.

Huffington Post said:
The group known as Anonymous, which earlier took on Scientology, has published screenshots of e-mail messages and images that it says came from a private e-mail account belonging to Governor Sarah Palin at The data has been published by WikiLeaks.
Threat Level has confirmed the authenticity of at least one of the e-mails.
The information includes five screenshots from Palin's account, including the text of an e-mail exchange with Alaskan Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell about his campaign for Congress.

The internet activist group 'anonymous', famed for its exposure of unethical behavior by the Scientology cult, has now gone after the Alaskan governor and republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

At around midnight last night the group gained access to governor Palin's email account ... And handed over the contents to the government sunshine site

Governor Palin has come under media criticism in the past week for using pseudo-private email accounts to avoid Alaskan freedom of information laws.
The zip archive made available by Wikileaks contains screen shots of Palin's inbox, two example emails, governor Palin's address box and a couple of family photos. While the emails released so far reveal little, the list of correspondence appears to re-enforce the criticism that Palin is mixing governmental and personal affairs.

So, you know those Yahoo accounts Sarah Palin was using to keep her official business safe from subpoenas? Turns out they're not so safe after all. Palin's Yahoo accounts ( and were successfully hacked last night ... Since then, the accounts have been deleted, which could be considered destruction of evidence if a court chose to pursue it.

More screenshots can be found here. At the time of posting I was unable to get the page to load though.

[Via Huffington Post]
Re: Palin's email account hacked! (PHOTOS)

Wow, that's big, we don't hear of this everyday.
It's not really wise to use Yahoo/hotmail/gmail mail for job, especially if you're in politics...

Re: Palin's email account hacked! (PHOTOS)

It says wikileaks may release additional emails if they prove to be of political substance. So does that mean wikileaks has more of her emails they didn't put up? Why not just put them all up? I wonder what how theyre choosing them, they sure arent being picked by any moral standards.

As fort he emails we've seen, THeyre kind of boring huh? When I saw it on digg I thought there was going to be some juicy emails, maybe one titled "THey know I wasn't pregnant! Help!" or something of that nature, but I was kind of disappointed with what there was.

I was also going to say something about how its wrong to hack peoples emails no matter who they are, but I've already done my good deed for the day.

Re: Palin's email account hacked! (PHOTOS)

That BITCH Palin is a shill and a harpie.
LIAR .........that is what she is, so I love that she got hacked into!
Maybe she is afraid that people might find out about her some more.:D
As a feminist, I would rather wait one hundred years for a good QUALITY woman in the White House, rather than get Palin now. EEEWWWWW.
Re: Palin's email account hacked! (PHOTOS)

gonzogirl said:
That BITCH Palin is a shill and a harpie.
LIAR .........that is what she is, so I love that she got hacked into!
Maybe she is afraid that people might find out about her some more.:D
As a feminist, I would rather wait one hundred years for a good QUALITY woman in the White House, rather than get Palin now. EEEWWWWW.
+1 for you!
Re: Palin's email account hacked! (PHOTOS)

Now that sounds interesting....would love to read all his private crap..He creeps me out. Even when he was on Inside Edition....
Re: Palin's email account hacked! (PHOTOS)

gonzogirl said:
Now that sounds interesting....would love to read all his private crap..He creeps me out. Even when he was on Inside Edition....

Yeah, Creeps usually give me the creeps as well!
Re: Palin's email account hacked! (PHOTOS)

well ok then.....I wonder why all Palins emails are cc'd to her husband..Why he got to be all up in her prof. business? She can't clain executive priv. if he saw all those emails that she wont release to the investigators. (Troopergate) Maybe she can, but I thought executive priv. means not even hubby gets to know.....
