

New Member

Hi there all,

Just wanted to pose a few questions on time travel, specifically relating to the past. Assuming that it was possible, what would the effects be on the participant? Would you be able to change anything in the past, or do you think something would prevent you? If you could, would the traveller be able to return to his/her origin point in space-time, or would the change prohibit them from doing so? Would you sent forward along another timeline, or would your existence cease as a result of the paradox you have caused?

I've heard quite a few theories, but would like some fresh perspective, both from a scientific and philosohpical point of view, so i look forward to your responses.
Re: Paradox

My personal thought is that people that travel back into time to change something is just part of the time line, and may be something that was ment to happen for what ever reason. I find it hard to believe that a god like force will stop one from doing something in the past. If you think about it, just timetraveling to the past can affect the future.

Re: Paradox

The problem with that lies in the grandfather paradox. If you travelled back in time and killed your grandfather before he gave birth to your father, he and subsequently you, would never have been born. By that rule, you couldn't have travelled back in time and commited the deed, which then reverts the action back to it's original position, which begins a paradox loop. The only option i can come up with is that the time traveller could commit the act, but by doing so would prevent himself from travelling back to his original location in space-time. Maybe he could travel back, but it would not be his time line anymore, with no parents or siblings?

Re: Paradox

Once a time traveler leaves his time there must be a new time line formed .Maybe this new time line is very similar to the one he left but still another time line. So the time line he left is still unchanged and will not be changed except that the time traveler is gone with out a trace. Believing in this way of thinking of time travel would bring allot of possibilities. Having no changes to the time line you leave does give the impression time travel can be none threatening. If a time traveler comes to our time line then things will change but we will not be aware of it as we will believe it is to be this way.
