Paranormalis is now listed on Tapatalk.
What's Tapatalk ?
Tapatalk is an iPhone / iPad, Android Apps that allow you to browse forums on your mobile device at blazing fast speeds. All you have to do is look for it in the App store and install it on your mobile device. I've been Tapatalk on my iPhone for a while and it works great. It's very fast and easy to navigate through the forums and topics. It's secured, you can log in with your account and easily look for recent content, post new messages, pictures and more.
Tapatalk is available in the App Store as a paid app.
What's Tapatalk ?
Tapatalk is an iPhone / iPad, Android Apps that allow you to browse forums on your mobile device at blazing fast speeds. All you have to do is look for it in the App store and install it on your mobile device. I've been Tapatalk on my iPhone for a while and it works great. It's very fast and easy to navigate through the forums and topics. It's secured, you can log in with your account and easily look for recent content, post new messages, pictures and more.
Tapatalk is available in the App Store as a paid app.
- It costs $2.99 and works a treat.