Time Travel Professor
Part #1 The early years of the great UFO cover-up
Exopolitics Journal 3:2 (July 2009). ISSN 1938-1719 www.exopoliticsjournal.com
Determining Human Relations with Aliens
George LoBuono, M.A.
The US government’s first direct, face-to-face contact with aliens occurred decades ago, when grayish skinned human-alien hybrids crashed near a New Mexico airbase. After the US military concluded that the aliens probably had some human genetic composition in them, US officials scrambled to develop safeguards against a stealth intervention on this planet by aliens of unknown origin. The intrusion of aliens with advanced technology and capabilities occurred at the outset of the Cold War, which compelled Truman’s government to guard information about aliens as a military secret. For over four years, Truman had direct control of the US government’s alien-related programs. However, in 1953 President Eisenhower let Nelson Rockefeller re-design executive security structures. Rockefeller ended elected official control of alien-related programs, a move that Eisenhower later regretted. Multiple former official witnesses say that within months, aliens were allowed basing rights on the Nellis Air Force range. Subsequent secrecy of alien-related programs allowed crime to proliferate within them, unchecked by rigorous public oversight. As a result, early human relations with aliens were largely determined by the Roswell Grays’ alignment of aliens, rather than humans. Questions were raised about the intentions and material ambitions of such aliens. Under the circumstances, the situation could only be corrected through exposure and independent human investigation of aliens and alien interactions.
Early human contacts with aliens tended to be very one-sided. Using advanced science and technology, aliens chose the terms of the interactions and were able to limit and control information flow. Humans couldn’t understand what was happening, let alone compete with aliens. Lacking adequate science, humans tended to think that alien contact was a revelation from God, a strange angelic kind of interaction. But when live, in-the-flesh aliens fell out of the sky near a US nuclear bomber base, things began to change.
In 1947 the bodies of four short, Gray-skinned aliens and their wing-shaped craft were recovered near Roswell, NM by the US military and were kept for scientific study.1 A fifth alien reportedly survived and later communicated--telepathically--with military investigators.2 Stunned by the appearance of aliens who had advanced knowledge about human affairs, the Army worked overtime to study the Roswell aliens and their science. Just two years after Hiroshima, US officials feared the aliens might be hostile or have designs on this planet. So, discussion about aliens proceeded in extreme secrecy. As Eisenhower National Security Council staff member Col. Philip Corso wrote, “From day 1, the army treated its retrieval of the (Roswell) debris as if it were an operation conducted in a wartime theater under battle conditions.”3 Corso wasn’t the only witness to Roswell aliens. Dozens of first-hand witnesses, including military brass, have admitted that they saw dead and wounded aliens or the alien craft that crashed near Roswell.
Under the circumstances, strict defense considerations were understandable. However, the secrecy of alien-related programs prevented competent public analysis of what, on the surface, appeared to be an alien intervention into human affairs. President Truman was kept apprised of developments, but in 1953 when Eisenhower got in, corporate manipulators removed US presidents and other elected officials from active control of alien-related programs.4 Soon, the secret programs were rife with corruption, and some potential whistleblowers were reportedly murdered before they could speak. It was a recipe for disaster.
Early Elected Official Control of Alien-related Programs
Although we now know more about aliens due to reports by direct witnesses, in 1947--just two years after Hiroshima, fear and defensiveness were the order of the day. Col. Corso, who later served on Eisenhower’s White House National Security Council staff, summed up the Army’s feelings about the crash at Roswell:
“We didn’t know what the inhabitants of these craft wanted, but we had to assume from their behavior, especially their interventions in the lives of human beings and the reported cattle mutilations, that they could be potential enemies. That meant that we were facing a far superior power with weapons capable of obliterating us.”5
It wasn’t a hostile assumption. Instead, the incursion of alien technology that humans couldn’t match caused fear and wariness in the US government. To have manufactured and serviced alien vehicles would have required a large, possibly burgeoning industrial structure. That meant mining and the use of non-renewable materials, security to prevent potentially competing aliens from taking their resources, and a large, possibly repressive government. But wherever they came from, whatever their intentions, aliens had arrived and they knew more about humans than humans knew about them.
In a preliminary analysis, Army Gen. Nathan Twining showed President Truman detailed photos and told him about the strange alien technology. Army scientists couldn’t find an engine or power unit in the Roswell alien craft. Stranger still, as Corso noted, Army doctors examined the dead aliens and did “autopsy reports that suggested they were too human; they had to be related to our species in some way.”6 In other words, aliens had created what appeared to be human-alien hybrids. Had they made others that looked more human, and if so, what were the aliens planning to do with such hybrids?
That first, unexpected contact provoked a major crisis in US government. Aliens were directly intervening in human affairs, buzzing a nuclear bomber base and either taking humans or human reproductive material to create human-alien hybrids. They hadn’t asked permission. Instead, they were trying to hide it all. According to Col. Corso, who said he worked on a Pentagon plan to copy technology from the Roswell wreckage, Pentagon officials grew more concerned about an alien incursion than they feared the threat of the Soviet Union. Corso wrote that part of the reason for a nuclear weapons buildup in subsequent years was to amass the ability to defeat an alien landing and occupation scenario. Later, Corso learned that Soviet dictator Josef Stalin heard about the Roswell crash. It was front-page news in the Roswell Daily Record and was featured on ABC radio news--until the Army decided to put out a cover story to hide the fact. The Navy Pacific fleet commander’s intelligence briefer, William Cooper, said the US briefed the Soviets and US allies about the aliens in order to maintain global security against possible incursions.7
Less than a month after Roswell, the National Security Act of 1947 was written. It separated the Air Force from the Army and created both the CIA and a National Security Council. Legislators were told the CIA would protect the nation, but they didn’t anticipate the danger of unaccountable power, at the time. Although Congress was supposed to approve overall budgets for the CIA and the NSA, which was created on Nov. 4, 1952, the new agencies had secret budgets and owned businesses that operated without legislative control. As had happened under monarchies of the past, corruption began to threaten the rule of law in the United States.
Truman set up a working group to maintain secrecy and supervise study of the Roswell artifacts. Corso wrote that the group agreed to “allow disclosure of some of the most far-fetched information, whether true or not, because it would help create a climate of public attitude that would be able to accept the existence of extraterrestrial life without a general sense of panic.” Gen. Twining said, “It will be a case where the cover-up is the disclosure and the disclosure is the cover-up. Deny everything, but let the public sentiment take its course. Let skepticism do our work for us until the truth becomes common acceptance.”8
It was a reasonable policy, given the fact that advanced alien technology had recently dropped out of the sky near the only nuclear bomber base on US soil. The president would monitor the project, and the public would gradually be allowed to learn about it.
Direct, face-to-face contact with aliens near Roswell led to a defensive mobilization and at least some sub-rosa skirmishes with aliens. As a result, the US military worked to reverse-engineer alien technology in order to be able to match it. Leading scientists were allowed to analyze the Roswell artifacts if they swore to secrecy. Their early analyses were impressive. They suggested that the Roswell craft used a kind of Tesla technology featuring something like the Biefeld-Brown effect, which had been discovered decades earlier.9 Early findings were only preliminary, but continued research led to the use and misuse of strange, new technologies. Given that the Roswell craft had crashed while buzzing the sole US nuclear bomber base, human use of alien technology for weapons purposes may have provided a convenient excuse for more aggressive intervention, here, by the Roswell Grays’ larger alignment of aliens.
If Gray-hybrid aliens had been buzzing the Roswell air base in order to monitor nuclear weapons staging, their loss of greatly more advanced technology near the base would have been a major concern. Given their ability to monitor human governments, did they do anything to influence the human response to technology that might change the course of human history? There’s evidence to suggest they did. Five years after Roswell, in July of 1952, the Washington Post, the New York Times and other newspapers printed stories and photos of unidentified, saucer-like craft swarming over Washington DC near the White House (photo above).10 Their appearance may have been meant as a message to Truman that US security policy, post-Roswell, was considered inimical to such aliens.
July 1952 Washington UFO Flyover
And what had those same aliens been doing during the five long years from 1947 until 1952, when Truman sat, wondering, in the White House while an alien squadron buzzed the nation’s capital? Given their penchant for intervention, wouldn’t they have tried to limit human reaction to theirincursion, and, if necessary, prevent further disclosure until some future time when they could complete their mission on terms that were more favorable to them?
The Rockefeller Coup – A Crime Regime Takes Over
According to military whistleblowers like Philip Corso and William Cooper, the Roswell Grays’ alignment tried to get the US government to permit their intervention here, but the US military felt they were too aggressive and intrusive to be trusted. That didn’t stop the aliens. In 1953, President Eisenhower let Nelson Rockefeller re-design executive department security structures. Much to Eisenhower’s dismay, the Rockefeller brothers removed US presidents from control of alien-related programs.11 Michael Salla, PhD explains what happened: The Special Studies Group/PI-40 formed under Eisenhower held their first meetings at Quantico Marine Base in Virginia and its 35 members were drawn exclusively from the Council of Foreign Relations. The Study Group had two directors, Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, and consisted of prominent individuals, including Dr Edward Teller, Paul Nitze, David Rockefeller, and McGeorge Bundy (later Kennedy’s Special Assistant for Foreign Affairs). According to (William) Cooper, the Rockefellers built a lavish retreat for the Study Group in an exclusive area in Maryland.12
By drawing exclusively from the Rockefeller-controlled Council on Foreign Relations to form the PI-40 group, which controlled alien-related programs, Rockefellers were stealing control of the human future from elected leadership, unknown to the general public. And by building a lush retreat for the PI-40 group, Rockefellers were deepening their influence over alien-related programs. Brig. Gen. Steven Lovekin, who worked in Eisenhower’s White House, testified that Eisenhower felt betrayed.13 The president and other elected officials had been pushed aside by a family known for its investments in Nazi Germany and other brutal crimes against humanity. Nelson Rockefeller then maneuvered himself into a role as Eisenhower’s coordinator for the CIA, plus a role in a secret planning group that would attend to clandestine dirty work without letting Eisenhower know it.14 But why were Rockefellers so eager to take control of alien issues away from US presidents, thus making subsequent human-alien interactions secret?
Michael Salla notes that "In December 1953, the Joint Chiefs of Staff issued Army-Navy-Air Force publication 146 that made the unauthorized release of information concerning UFOs a crime under the Espionage Act, punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine." 15 In other words, not only had elected officials been shut out of alien-related programs; now it was a major crime to tell both legislators and the public what the government knew about aliens and their craft. It was a major coup of an unprecedented sort, and it set the stage for the most bizarre development in all of US history: direct basing of aliens on US soil.
Exopolitics Journal 3:2 (July 2009). ISSN 1938-1719 www.exopoliticsjournal.com
Determining Human Relations with Aliens
George LoBuono, M.A.
The US government’s first direct, face-to-face contact with aliens occurred decades ago, when grayish skinned human-alien hybrids crashed near a New Mexico airbase. After the US military concluded that the aliens probably had some human genetic composition in them, US officials scrambled to develop safeguards against a stealth intervention on this planet by aliens of unknown origin. The intrusion of aliens with advanced technology and capabilities occurred at the outset of the Cold War, which compelled Truman’s government to guard information about aliens as a military secret. For over four years, Truman had direct control of the US government’s alien-related programs. However, in 1953 President Eisenhower let Nelson Rockefeller re-design executive security structures. Rockefeller ended elected official control of alien-related programs, a move that Eisenhower later regretted. Multiple former official witnesses say that within months, aliens were allowed basing rights on the Nellis Air Force range. Subsequent secrecy of alien-related programs allowed crime to proliferate within them, unchecked by rigorous public oversight. As a result, early human relations with aliens were largely determined by the Roswell Grays’ alignment of aliens, rather than humans. Questions were raised about the intentions and material ambitions of such aliens. Under the circumstances, the situation could only be corrected through exposure and independent human investigation of aliens and alien interactions.
Early human contacts with aliens tended to be very one-sided. Using advanced science and technology, aliens chose the terms of the interactions and were able to limit and control information flow. Humans couldn’t understand what was happening, let alone compete with aliens. Lacking adequate science, humans tended to think that alien contact was a revelation from God, a strange angelic kind of interaction. But when live, in-the-flesh aliens fell out of the sky near a US nuclear bomber base, things began to change.
In 1947 the bodies of four short, Gray-skinned aliens and their wing-shaped craft were recovered near Roswell, NM by the US military and were kept for scientific study.1 A fifth alien reportedly survived and later communicated--telepathically--with military investigators.2 Stunned by the appearance of aliens who had advanced knowledge about human affairs, the Army worked overtime to study the Roswell aliens and their science. Just two years after Hiroshima, US officials feared the aliens might be hostile or have designs on this planet. So, discussion about aliens proceeded in extreme secrecy. As Eisenhower National Security Council staff member Col. Philip Corso wrote, “From day 1, the army treated its retrieval of the (Roswell) debris as if it were an operation conducted in a wartime theater under battle conditions.”3 Corso wasn’t the only witness to Roswell aliens. Dozens of first-hand witnesses, including military brass, have admitted that they saw dead and wounded aliens or the alien craft that crashed near Roswell.
Under the circumstances, strict defense considerations were understandable. However, the secrecy of alien-related programs prevented competent public analysis of what, on the surface, appeared to be an alien intervention into human affairs. President Truman was kept apprised of developments, but in 1953 when Eisenhower got in, corporate manipulators removed US presidents and other elected officials from active control of alien-related programs.4 Soon, the secret programs were rife with corruption, and some potential whistleblowers were reportedly murdered before they could speak. It was a recipe for disaster.
Early Elected Official Control of Alien-related Programs
Although we now know more about aliens due to reports by direct witnesses, in 1947--just two years after Hiroshima, fear and defensiveness were the order of the day. Col. Corso, who later served on Eisenhower’s White House National Security Council staff, summed up the Army’s feelings about the crash at Roswell:
“We didn’t know what the inhabitants of these craft wanted, but we had to assume from their behavior, especially their interventions in the lives of human beings and the reported cattle mutilations, that they could be potential enemies. That meant that we were facing a far superior power with weapons capable of obliterating us.”5
It wasn’t a hostile assumption. Instead, the incursion of alien technology that humans couldn’t match caused fear and wariness in the US government. To have manufactured and serviced alien vehicles would have required a large, possibly burgeoning industrial structure. That meant mining and the use of non-renewable materials, security to prevent potentially competing aliens from taking their resources, and a large, possibly repressive government. But wherever they came from, whatever their intentions, aliens had arrived and they knew more about humans than humans knew about them.
In a preliminary analysis, Army Gen. Nathan Twining showed President Truman detailed photos and told him about the strange alien technology. Army scientists couldn’t find an engine or power unit in the Roswell alien craft. Stranger still, as Corso noted, Army doctors examined the dead aliens and did “autopsy reports that suggested they were too human; they had to be related to our species in some way.”6 In other words, aliens had created what appeared to be human-alien hybrids. Had they made others that looked more human, and if so, what were the aliens planning to do with such hybrids?
That first, unexpected contact provoked a major crisis in US government. Aliens were directly intervening in human affairs, buzzing a nuclear bomber base and either taking humans or human reproductive material to create human-alien hybrids. They hadn’t asked permission. Instead, they were trying to hide it all. According to Col. Corso, who said he worked on a Pentagon plan to copy technology from the Roswell wreckage, Pentagon officials grew more concerned about an alien incursion than they feared the threat of the Soviet Union. Corso wrote that part of the reason for a nuclear weapons buildup in subsequent years was to amass the ability to defeat an alien landing and occupation scenario. Later, Corso learned that Soviet dictator Josef Stalin heard about the Roswell crash. It was front-page news in the Roswell Daily Record and was featured on ABC radio news--until the Army decided to put out a cover story to hide the fact. The Navy Pacific fleet commander’s intelligence briefer, William Cooper, said the US briefed the Soviets and US allies about the aliens in order to maintain global security against possible incursions.7
Less than a month after Roswell, the National Security Act of 1947 was written. It separated the Air Force from the Army and created both the CIA and a National Security Council. Legislators were told the CIA would protect the nation, but they didn’t anticipate the danger of unaccountable power, at the time. Although Congress was supposed to approve overall budgets for the CIA and the NSA, which was created on Nov. 4, 1952, the new agencies had secret budgets and owned businesses that operated without legislative control. As had happened under monarchies of the past, corruption began to threaten the rule of law in the United States.
Truman set up a working group to maintain secrecy and supervise study of the Roswell artifacts. Corso wrote that the group agreed to “allow disclosure of some of the most far-fetched information, whether true or not, because it would help create a climate of public attitude that would be able to accept the existence of extraterrestrial life without a general sense of panic.” Gen. Twining said, “It will be a case where the cover-up is the disclosure and the disclosure is the cover-up. Deny everything, but let the public sentiment take its course. Let skepticism do our work for us until the truth becomes common acceptance.”8
It was a reasonable policy, given the fact that advanced alien technology had recently dropped out of the sky near the only nuclear bomber base on US soil. The president would monitor the project, and the public would gradually be allowed to learn about it.
Direct, face-to-face contact with aliens near Roswell led to a defensive mobilization and at least some sub-rosa skirmishes with aliens. As a result, the US military worked to reverse-engineer alien technology in order to be able to match it. Leading scientists were allowed to analyze the Roswell artifacts if they swore to secrecy. Their early analyses were impressive. They suggested that the Roswell craft used a kind of Tesla technology featuring something like the Biefeld-Brown effect, which had been discovered decades earlier.9 Early findings were only preliminary, but continued research led to the use and misuse of strange, new technologies. Given that the Roswell craft had crashed while buzzing the sole US nuclear bomber base, human use of alien technology for weapons purposes may have provided a convenient excuse for more aggressive intervention, here, by the Roswell Grays’ larger alignment of aliens.
If Gray-hybrid aliens had been buzzing the Roswell air base in order to monitor nuclear weapons staging, their loss of greatly more advanced technology near the base would have been a major concern. Given their ability to monitor human governments, did they do anything to influence the human response to technology that might change the course of human history? There’s evidence to suggest they did. Five years after Roswell, in July of 1952, the Washington Post, the New York Times and other newspapers printed stories and photos of unidentified, saucer-like craft swarming over Washington DC near the White House (photo above).10 Their appearance may have been meant as a message to Truman that US security policy, post-Roswell, was considered inimical to such aliens.
July 1952 Washington UFO Flyover
And what had those same aliens been doing during the five long years from 1947 until 1952, when Truman sat, wondering, in the White House while an alien squadron buzzed the nation’s capital? Given their penchant for intervention, wouldn’t they have tried to limit human reaction to theirincursion, and, if necessary, prevent further disclosure until some future time when they could complete their mission on terms that were more favorable to them?
The Rockefeller Coup – A Crime Regime Takes Over
According to military whistleblowers like Philip Corso and William Cooper, the Roswell Grays’ alignment tried to get the US government to permit their intervention here, but the US military felt they were too aggressive and intrusive to be trusted. That didn’t stop the aliens. In 1953, President Eisenhower let Nelson Rockefeller re-design executive department security structures. Much to Eisenhower’s dismay, the Rockefeller brothers removed US presidents from control of alien-related programs.11 Michael Salla, PhD explains what happened: The Special Studies Group/PI-40 formed under Eisenhower held their first meetings at Quantico Marine Base in Virginia and its 35 members were drawn exclusively from the Council of Foreign Relations. The Study Group had two directors, Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, and consisted of prominent individuals, including Dr Edward Teller, Paul Nitze, David Rockefeller, and McGeorge Bundy (later Kennedy’s Special Assistant for Foreign Affairs). According to (William) Cooper, the Rockefellers built a lavish retreat for the Study Group in an exclusive area in Maryland.12
By drawing exclusively from the Rockefeller-controlled Council on Foreign Relations to form the PI-40 group, which controlled alien-related programs, Rockefellers were stealing control of the human future from elected leadership, unknown to the general public. And by building a lush retreat for the PI-40 group, Rockefellers were deepening their influence over alien-related programs. Brig. Gen. Steven Lovekin, who worked in Eisenhower’s White House, testified that Eisenhower felt betrayed.13 The president and other elected officials had been pushed aside by a family known for its investments in Nazi Germany and other brutal crimes against humanity. Nelson Rockefeller then maneuvered himself into a role as Eisenhower’s coordinator for the CIA, plus a role in a secret planning group that would attend to clandestine dirty work without letting Eisenhower know it.14 But why were Rockefellers so eager to take control of alien issues away from US presidents, thus making subsequent human-alien interactions secret?
Michael Salla notes that "In December 1953, the Joint Chiefs of Staff issued Army-Navy-Air Force publication 146 that made the unauthorized release of information concerning UFOs a crime under the Espionage Act, punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine." 15 In other words, not only had elected officials been shut out of alien-related programs; now it was a major crime to tell both legislators and the public what the government knew about aliens and their craft. It was a major coup of an unprecedented sort, and it set the stage for the most bizarre development in all of US history: direct basing of aliens on US soil.