

Temporal Engineer
We do know dead celebrities will occasionally rejoin the living. I've always suspected that the movie industry has access to time travel technology.

walt willis

Senior Member
Some people think that there is a Multiverse. I believe it may just be individual and separate dimensions and we have humans in our future that have mastered time travel, and they are causing changes every time they go back.


Can time travel really change the past?

If you believe that we create a new universe every time we time travel or make a decision, then actions of the past would only affect the time line you are currently in, not your home timeline. I, however, am not convinced that we cannot return to our "home" timeline, so I feel that yes, someone can enter your current past and change things. Many of us on this forum have experienced timeline changes. We aren't technically supposed to be aware of these changes though, are we?

(Shut up, Martian :D)


Senior Member
We do know dead celebrities will occasionally rejoin the living. I've always suspected that the movie industry has access to time travel technology.
Good one mate..i too have had suspicions regarding the movie industry recently and their access to time travel technology, but my thoughts at the moment is about a person or persons inside the industry that could be "whistle blowers"....i do have an obsession regarding the number 9 and any series of numbers that will all add back to that number..for example: 3+7+5+2+1=18..add 1+8=9...

I was watching the movie Paycheck recently, which as you know is about a reverse engineer (Ben Affleck) who invents a time machine..
These are some some of the numbers that are quoted in various scenes of that movie...Stock analyser closing price $115.02...(my own CD readout when that figure was quoted was 2403)...Taxi number 1143...Date on bank form 2007...Combination numbers at Alcom 1-075-41...the bullet Ben Affleck had was a .45...During a chase the town clock was at 9.00am...The train number in the underground 162...the clock on the railway station reading 9am...during a chase Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman run past a dump bin numbered 120-7800...the winning lottery ticket was for $90.000...the serial number for the winning lottery ticket, on the bottom left hand corner was 011928 158784..

So therefore, iam looking for some people whose responsibilities are for creating all these numbers in the movie, and there may even be more that ive quoted..and obviously iam looking for these people or person who are wanting to "whistleblow" about actual time-travel, albeit in a cryptic way...The script for the Paycheck Movie was built around the "cryptic" way that Ben Affleck left items for himself after his memory was erased!...An unrelated part in the movie was the guys name who was assisting Ben Affleck until he got murdered, his name being "Dekker"..
Preston Nichols mentioned the name of Dekker being used in two other time-travel movies, one of them being "The Philadelphia Experiment Two"..the other one i cant recall..Nichols pointed out why the name of Dekker should be randomly shouted out, when there was no person of that name in the movies....

If anyone hasnt seen the movie Paycheck, its a very reasonable time-travel movie and worth watching..Now its time for me to start looking at other time-travel related movies, and hopefully lots of number nines!...Damn it im certain Deja Vu with Denzel Washington taking the lead role has got several 9s in it.....i will be back :)

Physics vs Jaden

Amazing Person
Yes, there is no reason why it shouldn't be able too. There are some time travel theories though, saying that if you went to the past you wouldn't exist and you would be a ghost, since your non-existing.


Junior Member
I think when something has happened, its always existed and can't be changed. If you traveled back in time, changes would just occur on another timeline perhaps..I realize I may be wrong...


Junior Member
If anyone hasnt seen the movie Paycheck, its a very reasonable time-travel movie and worth watching..Now its time for me to start looking at other time-travel related movies, and hopefully lots of number nines!...Damn it im certain Deja Vu with Denzel Washington taking the lead role has got several 9s in it.....i will be back :)[/QUOTE]

You very observant! yea Deja Vu is also might want to check out Looper and Interstellar...
