Personal Forum Bookmarks

XenForo, our forum software, has always made it super easy to find new content you haven't read yet, and to re-engage with content you've already interacted with, but who here has ever read a post (or any other content) and wanted to come back to it later, or saved a particular post so you could come back to it in the future?

Of course, there are many ways to solve this kind of problem. The easiest is to use the content bookmarking feature that's available throughout the site.

Clicking the bookmark icon instantly bookmarks that content. This is great, but sometimes you might want to add some additional context to help you find that bookmark in the future.


The message text will be displayed when viewing your bookmarks (otherwise a snippet of the content is displayed instead) and labels are a way to categorize your bookmarks (similar to tags).

Of course, adding a note or labels is optional, in which case you would just click out of the tooltip to close it.

So how is content you've bookmarked accessed? Your bookmarks are available no matter where you are on the forum. Simply click your member menu at the top of the page, then click the bookmark sub-menu to see a list of your bookmarks:


At the bottom of his menu is a "show all" link, that will take you to this page:

From there, you can manage your bookmarks in full-page mode.

Hopefully, this will assist you in tagging good content for future reference, making it easier to locate later on.

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