Physical Time travel less than 3 months ago


Temporal Engineer
I wouldn't say it's impossible. Have you tried?

From my own personal experience, complete buildings have disappeared over night. So someone is getting away with changing the past.


New Member
Also the thing about the cold sweat. You might be allergic to something. I used to have that symptom myself. I would wake up completely drenched from head to toe in sweat. I would have to change the sheets because they were drenched too. Turns out my body was allergic to aspirin. Since I would only experience this symptom on days that I took aspirin. I'm not saying it's aspirin in your case. But it may be something you are eating that is causing this.

i'm aware of that man

I was studying to become a physician

but i had NO RECOLLECTION of what had happened immediately following the incident(2-3 days)

and my diet has/had always stayed the SAME, i had been a fitness model for sometime around 2010-2011 (no joke) and so i had been accustomed to what i was eating on a daily basis and my diet never changes really.... I had not tried anything new, i had not been taking ANY meds, i stayed in the same bed too at my apt and nothing changed, no changing of sheet/blankets/etc


New Member
I wouldn't say it's impossible. Have you tried?

From my own personal experience, complete buildings have disappeared over night. So someone is getting away with changing the past.

please continue...

the only one i can say i've read upon is the woman with the son, mine i believe is similar, if i could be "me" BEFORE the incident i truely believe i could help others and mankind like i feel is "right"... money is absolutely NOT the issue


Temporal Engineer
Possibly drugs. Do you have any friends that could have slipped you something without you being aware of it. I know I had a friend one time that did that to me.

As for time traveling back to the past, try walking into an earlier version of yourself and making the change you desire. It can't hurt to try.


New Member
Supposedly I'm not supposed to laugh, but HDR-machine, it does not work. It would be wonderful if time machine would be so simple (and cheap) to build but it is not.

To build the time machine you will (most likely) need to have ability to understand complex physical equations or someone who does. Also you would most likely need damn huuge amounts of energy to power the thing, not to mention sh**load of money to to build it and design it in the first place.

Of course I might be wrong about energy and about designing the thing, but deep ability to understand physics and equations&math, would be a start.

I personally believe that building time machine is possible, but It wouldn't be as much of time machine rather Alternative Timeline Machine.


New Member
Supposedly I'm not supposed to laugh, but HDR-machine, it does not work. It would be wonderful if time machine would be so simple (and cheap) to build but it is not.

To build the time machine you will (most likely) need to have ability to understand complex physical equations or someone who does. Also you would most likely need damn huuge amounts of energy to power the thing, not to mention sh**load of money to to build it and design it in the first place.

Of course I might be wrong about energy and about designing the thing, but deep ability to understand physics and equations&math, would be a start.

I personally believe that building time machine is possible, but It wouldn't be as much of time machine rather Alternative Timeline Machine.

this presents a good point with the alternate timeline...

however, consider if you DO go back in time and change something...

you WOULD NOT remember anything about a time machine now would you? There would be no use to have a time machine for the "current' you, the you that has fixed/changed the past. You would most likely have some sort of "gap" in memory, otherwise your now "new" life would be the "life" that you knew and you wouldn't remember a time machine. i do believe there may be small differences though, different hair style, car color, etc...

I don't believe it is impossible, it is certainly dangerous, but life is dangerous.. I could go out to buy groceries and get hit by a car and die right there. But i believe truthfully that if your reasons are for good and you truthfully want/believe that it will work and for good reasons, not for money/power(winning the lotto, etc..) then it is possible.

I've seen stranger things..


New Member
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