pineal gland


Temporal Engineer
I read up on the pineal gland and found out it calcifies up do to fluorine in the water supply. Young people may still have an active pineal gland. I think the research said you will have to take something to detoxify your body with something that can remove the calcification of the pineal gland.


Senior Member
I've said it before and I'll say it again (and hope the admins will leave it up this time.)
The ONLY third eye you have is brown.

We would prefer that you keep that third eye closed but (as you can see at a glance on any random forum page here) people DO communicate with it all the time anyway.


alpha centauri

Active Member
I read up on the pineal gland and found out it calcifies up do to fluorine in the water supply. Young people may still have an active pineal gland. I think the research said you will have to take something to detoxify your body with something that can remove the calcification of the pineal gland.
We have no fluorine in the water, but it is in the nearly all toothpastes (except some rare ones, in which there is none).

I think the dangerous thing is that it oxidizes the body, because it is one of the most oxidizing agents in the galvanic series. And oxidation exhaust vital energy in the body.

That is the Vincent Bio Elektronigramm (I did not find it in English) but it uses the rH-Value and the ph-value of water and thinks it has to have much protons and electron (ph value low and rH value low) to be good water:


alpha centauri

Active Member
How do I activate the pineal gland (third eye) with an easy and safe method?
I agree with @Tree11551 you need chakra meditation. One of the good practices in Christianity is "love your neighbour as yourself". The human body is created after the divine laws, so this practice is beneficial. And in this way you can also scientifically prove that this law is correct. You are less stressed for example: The Benefits of Loving-Kindness | GoZen!

You have to clear and balance the lower chakras before you get into the third eye because the energy has to rise and increase first. One of the techniques is the loving-kindness mediatation.

The law-of-one series explains it pretty well:
