PLAGUES COMING - LOZ UFO Sightings Will Increase


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LOZ UFO sightings will increase. Plagues are coming as in the days of Moses and Aaron.

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LOZ stands for Lions of Zion. They are Yahweh's elite holy angels and the one's piloting the crafts you've been witnessing above major cities lately. The sightings will continue to increase.

Get ready for plagues - Mankind is getting ready to be officially put on notice; though they are not yet aware of it. Just as in Biblical times when Moses and Aaron went up against the Pharaoh for the release of the Israelites from Egypt and Yahweh released plagues then, so shall it be now. There is nothing new under the sun.

These crafts have surveyed the cities as forerunners for the Antijaboks (a celestial class of holy angels) that are getting ready to make the next appearances. They will release a number of deadly plagues over every city that has recently experienced sightings over the period of a month. Each city that sees any LOZ craft over it, is marked for a plague. They are not here to bring good tidings.

All world governments are opposers to Yahweh's throne. The USA want people to believe the threat of germ warfare comes from Al-Qaida, but that's all a rouge to hide the fact that they are preparing to fend off Yahweh's forces. They are involved in a covert plan to prevent Christ from taking possession of this planet for his Millennial Rule. It won't happen. Christ's Kingdom WILL be established.

The LOZ's message is this: To the people of this planet: You live by the grace of your Creator's mercy. You breath His oxygen, drink His water, and you eat His food. Done every one of those things and more, and taken them for granted - like they were owed to you - And YOU HAVE POLLUTED what does not belong to any of you! Now a price will be extracted for not seeking Yahweh in truth and humbleness. Your hearts are with your benefactor - Dawn Lucifer Satan the Devil. But he cannot halt what is to come in upon these cities, nor can his beasts that are governing this world at present. The LOZ will take this world by force, and not Dawn nor his human allies can stop the coming invasion.

Jeremiah 4:7 A lion has gone up from his thicket; a destroyer of nations has set out. He has left his lair to make your land a waste. Your cities will be reduced to uninhabited ruins."


These things and much worse will continue to happen as Yahweh, our God and Creator pours out His wrath upon mankind leading up to Armageddon. It is His will that you all know exactly where it is coming from.

Matthew 10:34 "Don't assume that I came to bring peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

Exodus 15:3 "The LORD is a warrior; Yahweh is His name."

"There will be no peace on Earth until My Son's Kingdom. I will crush every kingdom now standing and rock the earth off its foundation. I Yahweh will destroy every enemy to My throne, and who can stop Me? Who can turn back My anger? No one." - Yahweh
"There will be no peace on Earth until My Son's Kingdom. I will crush every kingdom now standing and rock the earth off its foundation. I Yahweh will destroy every enemy to My throne, and who can stop Me? Who can turn back My anger? No one." - Yahweh

I wonder what Yahweh thinks about humans putting words into His mouth?

Actually, I don't wonder this at all, I know what He thinks of it.

IMO, it's never good to have somebody around you that dares to bear such false witness, especially considering Who the Aggrieved Party is in this case.

