Please help me! I have to go to the past.


Junior Member
Dear James, dear forum members, I thank you very much for your answers and your efforts to help me. I've also lost loved ones before, but losing your own child and then in such a cruel and unforeseen way is the worst thing that can happen to a mother in the world. The last few months have been so, so bad. My heart is broken, my family's future destroyed and each new day brings only more suffering and sadness. A nightmare that never ends. I read and research day and night about time travel and see it as my hope of seeing my child again. I will find a way and fight for it. I love him so much and won't give up on him, ever. Greetings Steffi


Electromagnetic waves can only be used for communication. But you can't travel through time. At present, human aircraft cannot reach the speed of light at all. Therefore, under the current circumstances, they can only maintain communication with aliens, and only by obtaining their technology can human civilization be improved. In 1898, Mr. Nikola Tesla invented Tesla's Spirit Radio to open the sound signal of high-dimensional space-time. Nikola Tesla pointed out that scalar electromagnetic waves can communicate over distances beyond light years. You should improve Tesla's Spirit Radio to use scalar waves to communicate with aliens over long distances. I try to make wireless electronics. I am skeptical that humans use electromagnetic waves for time travel. In fact, if there is another way to open the wormhole, it's just that these knowledgeable people don't know it.


Junior Member
Thank you for your nice words. I researched time travel day and night and now have a reasonably good insight into the topic and which keywords to look out for. The information can be found if you search for it properly. I am convinced of that. It only needs someone to build and that's quite difficult.
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Senior Member
Electromagnetic waves can only be used for communication. But you can't travel through time. At present, human aircraft cannot reach the speed of light at all. Therefore, under the current circumstances, they can only maintain communication with aliens, and only by obtaining their technology can human civilization be improved. In 1898, Mr. Nikola Tesla invented Tesla's Spirit Radio to open the sound signal of high-dimensional space-time. Nikola Tesla pointed out that scalar electromagnetic waves can communicate over distances beyond light years. You should improve Tesla's Spirit Radio to use scalar waves to communicate with aliens over long distances. I try to make wireless electronics. I am skeptical that humans use electromagnetic waves for time travel. In fact, if there is another way to open the wormhole, it's just that these knowledgeable people don't know it.
Here is an interesting project for you to build thats perhaps an improvement to the original Tesla Spirit Radio, that you commented on? There is no such thing as scalar electromagnet waves, there are scalar waves which are Longitudinal Waves, and electromagnetic waves that are Transverse Waves..

The IN34 Diode in the spirit radio DOES pull in ordinary radio signals and the aerials help to amplify those signals, that goes into further amplification stages for us to hear..

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Junior Member
I’m so sorry for what happened to you, I can’t even imagine what you’re going through right now. Please don’t give any money to anyone who claims they can do it for you, they’re likely a fraud.
Even the most heartless people on earth are not so ruthless as to rob a grieving mother. Nobody can be that mean.


Senior Member
There are no known cases of anyone bringing anyone back from the past even when they use the HDR.
From what I hear it's more an out of body experience generator than the kind of time machines you see in movies.
When you bring a physical item back from the past I have heard it disintegrates in either three minutes or so or as soon as it enters
the current dimension. I'd enjoy experimenting with this type of shit but I doubt the type of stuff the poster wants can be done.
If it can no one knows how except the Men in Black.
